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Calls increase; fire inspection revenues up

The Salisbury Township Police Department level of activities increased in 2015 compared to 2014, based on a year-in-review report issued to the township board of commissioners.

Meanwhile, township police department revenue increased nearly $20,000, apparently because of the township fire inspection program kicking into full gear.

Salisbury Township Chief of Police Allen W. Stiles released the 16-page report.

Year-to-year activity for the police department apparently increased overall, while holding steady or decreasing in some categories.

Township police department calls dispatched in 2015 totaled 7,987, up by nearly 100 from the 7,897 calls dispatched in 2014, according to the police department. This continues an upward trend for at least the past three years. Calls dispatched in 2013 totaled 6,983.

Incident reports were 5,844, down from 5,975 reported in 2014.

Other statistics for 2015 include:

Traffic arrests: 3,173, down from 3,974 in 2014;

Non-traffic arrests: 219, down from 254 in 2014;

Adult arrests: 279, down from 392 in 2014;

Juvenile arrests: 73, down from 78 in 2014;

DUI arrests: 26, down from 36 in 2014;

Crash investigations: 349, down from 357 in 2014;

Parking tickets: 414 (347 at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest), up from 43 in 2014;

Ambulance calls: 1,007, up from 963 in 2014;

Fire calls: 205, up from 200 in 2014, and

Alarm response: 456, down from 579 in 2014.

Department revenue

Township police department revenue in 2015 was $115,471.79, up from $98,321.95 in 2014, according to the annual report.

Of this amount, the bulk of the increase apparently can be attributed to fire inspection fees, which were $34,435 in 2015, up from $1,750 in 2014.

Other police department revenue statistics for 2015 include:

Vehicle code violations: $64,386.44, down from $68,019.60 in 2014;

Parking tickets: $535, up from $530 in 2014;

Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest parking tickets: $4,812, down from $12,090 in 2014;

Police reports: $3,906.25, down from $4,018.75 in 2014;

Lehigh County fines: $6,707.10, up from $6,023.60 in 2014;

Security alarm ordinance: $600, down from $1,750 in 2014;

Fingerprints: $80, down from $140 in 2014, and

Criminal history reports: $10, with none listed for 2014.

Criminal investigations

The 2015 township police department criminal investigation activity showed a slight decrease, according to Police Sergeant Donald Sabo, Salisbury Township Police Criminal Investigation Supervisor and Salisbury Township Police Detective Kevin Kress, who contributed to this portion of the annual report.

There were 244 offenses reported in 2015, down from 280 in 2014.

The offenses in 2015 included:

Burglary: 26, down from 35 in 2014;

Theft: 160, identical to 160 in 2014;

Auto theft: 5, down from 10 in 2014;

Robbery: 3, up from 2 in 2014;

Assault: 23, down from 27 in 2014;

Sexual assault: 8, down from 11 in 2014;

Arson: 1, identical to 1 in 2014;

Drug arrests: 18, down from 34 in 2014, and

Homicide: 0, identical to 0 in 2014.

The value of property stolen was $181,229, down from $354,559 in 2014.

The value of property recovered was $54,217, down from $97,164 in 2014.

Next week: The Salisbury Township Police Department 2015 Report, Part 2: Township Police Department budget and grants.