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Resident questions board on stormwater issues

Shannon Williams was first to address Lynn Township supervisors at their June meeting.

She and husband, David, were concerned about what she perceived as the unequal enforcement of the stormwater management act.

Williams has been notified to remedy a situation on her property along Memorial Road.

She listed other properties in the area she deemed to be in non-compliance.

Engineer Chris Noll sympathized with her plight and didn’t disagree with her synopsis.

He said some properties could have been overlooked at the time permits were given and are now causing problems.

The board, however does not have the power to overturn the federal and state regulations on stormwater management.

A waiver was requested on the Bitler septic system installation along Flint Hill Road.

The lot is small and the system cannot meet the isolation distances from the wells.

Supervisor Steve Feinour opposed the waiver request and was adamant this should not be allowed anywhere in the township. He stated if setbacks could not be met, a holding tank should be installed.

The other supervisors agreed and the waiver request was denied.

John Pergosky addressed the board again on his interpretation of the open space lot on his approved subdivision from 1998.

The board tabled his request at a previous meeting in order for Solicitor Mark Fisher to review Pergosky’s request.

In Fisher’s opinion, the plan was approved as requiring this tract to remain open space.

If Pergosky wanted to build a house on the lot, he would need to obtain agreement from all property owners in the subdivision.

Pergosky countered with his argument that supervisors at the time rejected the property and didn’t want it for the township open space requirement.

He was required to pay a recreation fee of $7,350 instead which he thinks should be refunded to him under the circumstances.

The board agreed with Fisher and moved on to the next agenda item.