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Leukemia, Lymphoma Society fundraising has gone to the dogs

Jericho von Lotta, a long-haired German Shepherd, is working with Pets for LLS.

This organization, featured on Facebook, shows pictures of pets who make donations to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Jericho, 6, heads Pets for LLS and believes they will succeed One Lick at a Time.

The campaign began after Pamela Formica lost her son David to leukemia.

She made him a promise to fight the disease until a cure is found.

Formica involved some of her friends and when she contacted Denise Grothouse of Germansville, the idea of using Jericho as the fundraiser was born.

To date $4,000 has been raised but the goal is $55,000, the cost of training one doctor to be a specialist in leukemia and lymphoma.

All donations are tax deductible.

“If every pet in the Lehigh Valley would donate $10, we could train a doctor in one year,” said Grothouse. “We believe it is achievable.

“That doctor might go on to save the life of a person you know.”

Donations may be in memory of a favorite dog or cat.

Jericho has acquired friends and a staff of experts who are joining the effort to raise money for LLS. He remains the campaign ambassador.

“Everyone knows the loyalty and joy pets bring into people’s lives,” Grothouse said. “Through the Pets for LLS campaign, pet owners are giving their pets a voice in helping save the lives of children and adults affected with leukemia and lymphoma.”

Leukemia is a disease that affects animals also. Feline leukemia may be helped by finding a cure for humans.

In addition to finding a cure for leukemia and lymphoma, the cure will also help with Hodgkins disease and myeloma and improve the quality of life for patients with blood diseases and their families.

For information contact denise@theperfectsix.com.

To make a donation, go to mwoy.org/pages/epa/lehigh16/dgrothouse.

Press photo by Elsa KerschnerDenise Grothouse spends a few minutes with her dog, Jericho, who is helping the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society raise funds.