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Seven Generations Charter School to close middle school

On May 23, the East Penn School Board decided to pass the amendment to the Seven Generations Charter School’s charter, which will allow the school to suspend the operation of its sixth, seventh and eighth grades.

Earlier in May, Seven Generation’s Principal Paul Hunter and Curriculum and Instruction Director Jen Hersh, approached the board with concerns over the middle school performance. They linked the poor performance back to the middle school curriculum and asked the board to allow them to create a better suited program for middle school-aged children.

In order to take the time to improve the curriculum, Seven Generations is prepared to close their middle school with an indefinite startup date.

Two parents approached the board, stating they felt the school skirted their responsibilities when it came to informing the middle school parents about the closure. A current seventh grade student at the school also spoke to the board, saying she was not in support of the proposal. She felt there was little representation of the middle school during the school board meetings.

Board member Ziad Munson was troubled by what the public brought up, particularly the relationship the parents had with the school board. Vice President Ken Bacher thought there were other issues within Seven Generations out of the hands of the East Penn School Board, because Seven Generations has their own board which makes decisions for the school.

Other board members expressed concern over this relationship; however, the East Penn board did not have the power to step in. Superintendent Dr. J. Michael Schilder added he finds it upsetting 90 students will not have a school come fall. He implored Seven Generations to do everything in its power to make the children leaving feel comfortable in their new schools.

The motion passed with nine affirmatives.