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NWL’s Class of 2016 reflects on school years

Members of the senior class of Northwestern Lehigh High School waiting inside Stabler Arena were told to “line up” at 10:45 a.m. June 4.

By noon they were no longer the senior class but adult members of the greater community.

Above them was the school motto “Excellence Through Learning.”

The processional was played by the Northwestern Lehigh Concert Band with Jim Lykins directing. The “Star Spangled Banner” was sung by the Arpeggios, an a cappella group.

High School Principal Aileen Yadush welcomed all to the ceremony but most importantly the Class of 2016.

“Reflect on your years from kindergarten to grade 12 as you look at your classmates today,” she told the soon to be graduates. “You begin a new stage in your lives. Travel outside your comfort zone.

“Congratulations and welcome to your graduation ceremony.”

Class President Quentin Bernhard discussed the stripes of the Tiger.

“Today we still stand as one,” he said. “Our years at Northwestern will be embedded in our lives.”

Bernhard said he remembers competition between students attending Weisenberg and Northwestern elementary schools but soon they were united in the middle school.

“It is the body of the Tiger because of what it is today,” Bernhard said. “Our sports teams were best in the district. We were supported, we will persevere. Our Tiger stripes will race forward.

“College, military, family farm or business: We can’t change the past. Our stripes have intermingled.

“We have the skills and knowledge to face what comes next.”

Speaker Erika Thomas wondered aloud where the time goes.

“High school goes by so fast,” Thomas said. “My classmates and I had plenty to do. As freshmen we were so little and the seniors looked like adults.

“We learned to drive. Our confidence grew. We went to homecoming dances and joined clubs.

“Then we were finally upperclassmen and the SATs weren’t all that bad.

“We got our licenses and were able to go places alone.

“It is the freshmen memories that last. Tomorrow we begin the rest of our lives. It’s finally up to us.

“Live for the little things in life, said Thomas.

Ben Fruchtl played a Mozart “Concerto for Clarinet” with accompanist Barbara Lizotte.

Isabel Dietrich, National Honor Society president, and Lucas Metzger, Science National Honor Society president, asked their members to stand and be recognized.

Reflections was the subject of Maria Haddad’s talk.

She said the senior class was a very diverse group.

“We thought we knew it all,” Haddad said. “We learned to identify rocks which will help us years from now.”

Ripples of laughter rang out during her talk.

“As freshmen we watched ‘Romeo and Juliet,’” Haddad continued. “We will be voting this fall.

“As seniors we learned about birth control that still haunts me in my sleep. We had differences.

“Some of us will join the workforce, technical school or college.

“Thanks teachers and administrators. You made us into the young adults we are today.”

Willard Dellicker, school board president, welcomed the graduating class to commencement.

“Today is your day,” Dellicker said. “We bid you a temporary farewell as you commence your new life.

“Today is a beginning. Godspeed in pursuit of your dreams.”

Speaker Isabel Dietrich spoke about the metamorphosis that occurs during school.

She admitted some things will be forgotten.

“But the remembrances tie us to our school and classmates,” Dietrich said. “How many will live the rest of our lives in New Tripoli?”

“I hope we are inspired to work to our full potential. We don’t have all the answers.”

Assistant High School Principal Don Allen recognized the senior award recipients by having them stand.

He said there was $41,000 in money donated for scholarships.

Isabel Batres sang the musical selection “Rise Up.”

Superintendent Mary Anne Wright congratulated members of the Class of 2016 on their successes and accomplishments.

“The path of the future may not be a straight one but don’t lose sight of the small experiences,” Wright said. “Live for today.

“We lived, we worked and we learned here. What makes Northwestern special is you.

“You have to be contributors wherever you may land.”

The graduates’ names were then read by Principal Aileen Yadush.

They were met at the stage by Don Allen and received their diplomas from Willard Dellicker.

The superintendent was waiting to congratulate them.

Class advisors Stephanie Dunbar and Lauren Elsenbaumer presided over the turning of the tassels, termed a symbol of graduation, and caps flew high.

Yadush gave the farewell to the class as they headed out for more congratulations, this time from family and friends.

Taylor Slack carries her gown into Stabler Arena, Bethlehem, for commencement exercises.