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Bridge project delayed a year in Lowhill Township

“We are going to delay the project for one more year,” announced Richard Molchany, director of general services for Lehigh County at the May 5 Lowhill Township supervisors meeting.

The project he was referring to is the Bittner’s Corner Bridge, which caused a stir at the board’s April meeting with residents coming out to express their concerns about not feeling safe pulling out onto Route 100 from Bittner’s Corner Road.

“We certainly heard you loud and clear in terms of the safety issues about the bridge,” said Molchany as he distributed a packet illustrating proposed signage when the bridge is repaired next year.

The new schedule sets a goal of starting the bridge the day after school ends next year, which would give three additional weeks to allow for a couple days bad weather.

“It is going to be a reconstructed bridge. We are going to set it in place, but the reality is we can be that much more comfortable with this new schedule,” said Molchany. “I think we illustrated some of the plans we have right now in terms of how we are going to try to manage that area in terms of slowing vehicles down. It is an important bridge for those who live in that area. We understand you use it every day.”

Between now and then, Molchany said the county plans to work on a what-if scenario, contemplating what would happen if the project would be delayed and school were started again.

“We don’t anticipate that, but I thought you folks would feel a lot better if we were working on it,” he said.

“Is the county working with PennDOT or is the county requesting us to? Who’s taking the initiative?” asked Supervisor Richard Hughes, seeking to clarify the line of communication.

Molchany replied for the project itself, the county would take the initiative. For the future, it would be up to the township for any changes regarding the road itself.

“Well, I’m glad you slowed it down a little bit so we can get all our ducks in a row. I’m glad to see this, it’s a totally different package” said Hughes.

Molchany confirmed the county is funding the project. The township was assured that the budget funds were earmarked and guaranteed to be available from the county for the bridge next year.

It is estimated that replacing the bridge with a single arch, two-way, one-lane stamped concrete structure will take 4-6 weeks to complete.