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Lions pavilion reservations increase

In April, members of the Northwestern Recreation Commission asked if the Lions pavilion was being used.

At the May 24 meeting, they learned a number of reservations for the pavilion had been received.

With the resignation of Carol Betz, Christie Steigerwalt from the Northwestern Lehigh School District business office, who also does the commission’s accounting, will have an online registration or people can talk to commission members.

Rules for use will include taking trash to the dumpster and there is no smoking or loud music.

A list of rules are on the application. Payment is by donation only. Most people do donate by choice between $50 and $100 but any amount is acceptable.

There will be a surcharge of $200 if the pavilion area is not cleaned up.

The camera at the pavilion was discussed. It needs updating as pictures are not clear enough for identification.

If the pavilion is not reserved anyone is free to use it.

The fields and pavilion will be closed from Aug. 17-22 for Night in the Country.

However, if cleanup has been completed, they could be opened on Monday.

Night Committee Chair Kathy Hermany reported Forgotten Felines and Fidoes will do trash pickup.

Cub Scouts will do grounds pickup and asked if they could do the work Monday if it rains on Sunday.

Donation letters are going out.

A new banner is needed for the entrance. A 13-ounce canvas banner would cost $125.

An 18-ounce would cost $185. The commission decided to go with the heavier-weight canvas.

Constables will do the security. Vendors are responding requesting spaces to set up.

Member Linda Gorgas said there has to be a change in the way non-picked-up Chinese auction prizes are delivered.

In past years they were taken to a township office and the winners were called. They were only given three days to pick up the prize.

Gorgas said that was not enough time, especially for people who work or live a distance away.

A sign will be posted where a winner can call and make arrangements for pickup.

The rubber-coated chains on the swing sets at the Lions pavilion will cost $14 each.

Jim Hughes was given permission to get them. Two new trashcans are needed. They cost $387 each.

The weather has prevented the painting of playground equipment. The primer needs three days to dry sufficiently for the main coat to be painted.

Bylaws are in the process of being typed and should be ready by July. There are no major changes. After people see them, additions will be made.

Member Justin Smith attended a Department of Conservation and Natural Resources meeting.

He said the commission does qualify to apply for DCNR grants.

It was suggested the commission hire someone to regulate all recreation. It is a position that would become self-funding through fees.

State Sen. Pat Browne, R-16th, responding to the letter from the commission to have speed changes to Northwest Road, wrote his office would look into the issue.

Steve Bachman asked for permission to place a poster on the recreation fields urging people to “join your local fire company.” It was tabled for more information.