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Plans reviewed with architect for Lindberg Park pavilion

The Salisbury Township Recreation Committee met at the municipal building May 16 with members Secretary Pat Jacoby and Frank McCullough in attendance as well as Recreation Director Genny Baillie.

Randy D. Galiotto, AIA, principal at Alloy5 Architecture and Joanne Conley, Urban Research & Development Corporation, reviewed different styles of recreation buildings for Lindberg Park.

Director of Public Works John Andreas was also in attendance to review the need for a stand-alone building to store township equipment.

Baillie reviewed the storage needs for the playground program for games, supplies and first aid equipment.

Also discussed was a sink and grill for pavilion rental use.

A tour of the parks of the east side of Salisbury was conducted by Frank Adamcik during the week of April 27.

The fence and gazebo repairs at Franko Farm Park have been completed. Suggested improvements include new stain on the pavilions and to re-establish the walking paths by eliminating growth on the parkways.

At Laubach Park, the tot play area needs mulch, more tables are needed at the pavilion and at least one table at the pond area should be replaced.

At Dodson Park, one seating board is off from the player’s bench on the east field.

At River Road Park, the tot play area should be cleared of weeds and mulch is needed. The merry-go-round needs a coat of paint, the pavilion fascia board should be repaired and the player’s bench on the west end of the basketball court needs to be replaced or painted.

A tour of the parks on the west side of Salisbury was also conducted on April 27 by McCullough.

At Lindberg Park, a large amount of leaves are by the upper swing area and mulch is needed in all activity areas. The old benches need painting or replacement and the cement supports are still exposed at the monkey bars.

The committee also suggested an overhaul for the volley ball court. A number of spots have dirt and twigs from falling trees.

Suggestions for the future include new wire for the batting warm up cage and a fence to stop foul balls from going on the new walking path.

At Louise Park mulch is needed in the play area. There are hanging limbs in high trees.

At Berger Park, the benches need painting and mulch is needed in the play areas.

At Green Acres Park, all the play areas need mulch and some fill is needed by the swings. The benches need painting and the bathroom doors have rust on the bottom.

At Devonshire Park, there are holes under the swings and mulch is needed in the play area. There is a hole in the tennis court fence near the gate, the volleyball court needs a new net and there are cracks in the tennis court. The small trees near the gym set have bark splitting and should receive some attention.

In other business, Baillie reported all playground staff has been hired and are completing necessary clearance paperwork. Twelve staff members are returning for a total of 18 for the park program.

“The program will start June 20 and continue through July 29,” Baillie said. The playground day will be July 27 with a rain date of July 28.

The playground program is held 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday and 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. More information on the playground program will be sent home with students.

The next meeting of the recreation committee will be held 7:30 p.m. July 18 in the municipal building.