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Northwestern School District has facilities master plan workshop

Brian Brandis, Jim Keifer and Mike Kelly of KCBA Architects attended a workshop of the Northwestern Lehigh board May 12 to discuss the concept plan for renovating the school.

The workshop began with John Halasovski speaking under public comment.

He said the renovations to the front of the building were supposed to be for safety reasons and it would be less expensive to hire a full-time security person than to make the changes being suggested.

Operations Director Arthur Oakes said Phil Toll had brought some ideas to his attention and they could be reviewed.

Keifer said there were options to be discussed: What the administration thinks is best, what was done on the last round of renovations, and possibly additional ones.

If the front of the building were removed and rebuilt in the same footprint it would create more room for the high school administration and the nurse’s room while improving the vestibule and possibly a classroom. Four classrooms would be lost.

PowerPoint photos were shown. It is just an idea said Keifer. It would take six months to go from the concept to a plan.

Security grills will be added but care has to be taken so there are no deadends.

The first option would cost $14.5 million, a second one costs $12.6 million and the third would come in at about $13 million.

Kelly said if the school sets a budget they will have to reduce the plan to fit the money available.

The auditorium and gym would be renovated to provide more accessibility. The stage also needs better accessibility.

The boys’ and girls’ locker rooms could be relocated next to one another and of equal size. However, if the girls’ locker room remains where it is it could be upgraded to provide the same opportunities as the boys’ has. Activities director Jason Zimmerman said mandates cover what can be done with the locker rooms.

Joe Fatzinger said the locker rooms are close to Zimmerman’s office

High School Principal Aileen Yadush said a faculty area is incorrectly named as it is actually storage and a copy, mail and computer room.

Yadush said she needed spaces to meet with people.

Board members suggested the front could be kept and it could be made to work.

Superintendent Mary Anne Wright asked if the girls’ locker room could be flip-flopped with a group meeting room.

Kelly said they would not be talking to contractors until next year so there is seven months to make decisions.

Wright said handicapped accessibility has to be considered throughout the administration office.

Keifer said all spaces will be handicapped accessible.

Paul Fisher said the board needs to look at this and wrestle with the spending.

Keifer said they would end up making it work somehow.

Toll asked if the façade would change and Keifer said only the windows and minor changes.

Oakes said it would be a longterm investment.

Toll said it does not look like 50,000 square feet to him.

It includes net and gross areas, not just the usable areas.

Construction should begin so work can be done over summer when there is no school.

Keifer said they had to survey the areas.

Fisher asked if demolition was included in the estimated prices.

He was told the cost of demolition is not included.

Fisher also asked if an extra classroom is needed. He was told it would be at some time for a special education room.

Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Holman said there are special students in the middle school who are ready to move up but there is nowhere to put them.

Fisher asked how classrooms would be allocated if enrollment decreases.

Yadush said it takes a large number of ninth through 12th grade students before it has an affect.

“We don’t see that kind of loss,” Yadush. “I track enrollment levels.”

Wright said it has to be ready by June or will have to wait a year because it would have to be ready to use in August.

Halasovski asked if a book of plans is available.

He was told they would cost $100 and present plans are not final.

He said the school was just remodeled a few years ago and many of the changes seem to be for athletics, but Toll said the biggest part is not athletics.

Fisher said some information will be going out to the public.

Halasovski wanted a vote on the project but was told he voted when he voted for board members.