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Alburtis residents may now pay municipal bills by credit card

President Ron DeIaco announced at the May 11 meeting the residents in Alburtis Borough should be aware of the discount for paying their taxes early ends at the end of May. Any resident who did not get their tax bills should contact the tax collector and Lehigh County immediately, Borough Manager Sharon Trexler, said.

Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 2016-9. Borough residents may now pay water, sewer and garbage bills by credit card because the borough is now authorized to accept credit card payments. There is a service fee of $3 per $100 paid by credit card users. If the bill is $75 the fee is $3. If the bill is $150, the fee is $6. Residents are not required to use the service but the cost of using it is less than a late fee.

Council discussed whether to hire Erin Hammerstedt, from Preservation Pennsylvania and pay a total of $5,250 for her to complete the application forms to try to get Alburtis-Lockridge Historic District approval from the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office. Hammerstedt already has been paid to inventory the homes.

There is no guarantee the application will be approved. However, the borough has been trying to get approval for the past four years and has invested funds in the process.

With the historic designation, Alburtis would be able to apply for grants or other help with the preservation of the church and other particular locations in the borough. A motion to move forward was passed on a vote of 4 to 2. Voting yes were Ron DeIaco, Steve Hill, Kathleen Raines and Sherryann Oels. Opposing votes were cast by John Aleszczyk and Steve Kaufman. Margaret McCormack was absent.

A motion to take half of the funds needed from the church, $2,625 and half the funds needed from the Borough Business Revitalization Program, $2,625 was passed on a vote of five yes votes from DeIaco, Hill, Raines, Oels and Kaufman and one no vote cast by Aleszczyk.

After a brief discussion of parking in front of mailboxes on Ridgeview Drive, council members decided to table a decision until they actually walk on Ridgeview Drive and notify the people first.

Trexler reported 1,623 boxes of recyclables were collected and 8,175 pounds of electronic waste was collected during the recent recycling day event.

DeIaco said he was thinking of having a community day in Alburtis so residents could get to know each other, as a long-term goal.

Mayor Kathleen Palmer reported Alburtis Police Chief Robert Palmer has ordered the ammunition needed for the officers to qualify and she swore in the fire police last week.

For Law Enforcement Appreciation Week starting May 16 Palmer spoke with the principal of Alburtis Elementary School and the school children are making signs about what the police do for them. The signs will be displayed in Alburtis Borough Hall. Mayor Palmer also will have certificates from Rep. Pat Browne, R-16th, and give them to Chief Palmer to give to police officers.

Mayor Palmer read a letter of thanks from Andrew Miller, of Macungie Ambulance, for helping to make the mass casualty incident drill in Lower Macungie Township, held April 20, a success and for Officer Christopher Lubenetski’s participation.

The Macungie Ambulance Corps’ monthly report for April stated the corps responded to 302 calls and 11 of the calls were in Alburtis. The reports also listed 12 agencies who participated in the mass casualty incident drill April 20.

Council approved the meeting minutes of April 27 by passing an unanimous motion. Council approved the bills of May 11 for payment by passing an unanimous motion. Council passed three other unanimous motions; a motion accepting the treasurer’s report, a motion accepting the fiscal consultant’s report and a motion accepting th police report.

Because anyone standing outside the door to the meeting room, even when it is closed, can hear what council members are discussing during an executive session, DeIaco recommended adopting a new policy agreed to by council. The new policy is as follows: when council members go into an executive session everyone at the meeting will be asked to leave the building and the door will be locked.

Following adjournment at 8:15 p.m., council went into an executive session to discuss personnel matters.