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Residents concerned over bridge replacement

Tensions were high at the April Lowhill supervisors’ meeting.

Residents came out in full force to express their opinions about the proposed replacement of the bridge on Bittner’s Corner Road.

Steve Boone, county consultant, from the Barton Lawson Engineering/Architecture firm came prepared to discuss the plans for the bridge replacement.

The pre-fab concrete, single-span arch bridge is expected to result in quick construction over the summer months.

His efforts were sidelined, however, by concerns of residents regarding the flow of traffic during the bridge’s replacement, specifically entering Route 100 from the Bitt-ner’s Corner Road.

“Making a left turn from Bittner’s Corner onto Route 100 is difficult, if not hair-raising,” said one resident, who asked not to be identified.

Township Administrator Brian Carl was empathetic with the residents, but said there is no better solution.

“We looked at this two years ago,” said Carl. “You’re surrounded by a creek.

“You cannot stop traffic going up and down 100. There’s no perfect solution to this.”

State Trooper Lt. Jonathan Nederostek was asked about the possibility of keeping a marked police cruiser present when possible to slow speeding traffic.

“We will do the best we can,” he replied.

Other ideas included flashing signage and temporary speed indicators to help slow vehicles traveling up and down the hill at the dangerous intersections.

Rich Molchany, Lehigh County Direct of General Services attended the meeting.

“We [the county] own the bridge,” Molchany said. “Lowhill owns the road and Route 100 is owned by PennDOT.”

The county and the board are preparing to contact the state and PennDOT for any possible assistance on Route 100 as a result of the project