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District buildings will stock Narcan

At the May 2 operations meeting, board member Dr. Christopher Spedaliere presented nine policies to be reviewed for first reading. One policy has been established to allow the school resource officer and nurses, who have been trained, to administer Narcan if a heroin overdose is suspected. Each school building will be provided with two doses.

Other policies being reviewed include conflict of interest, standards of conduct, use of medications, inhalers, insulin, attendance, foreign exchange students, exception to academic sequence and non-discrimination.

In other business, Director of Facilities, Buildings and Grounds William Brackett approached the board with a request from the Western Salisbury Elementary School PTA to install a swing set at the school. The cost is $8,000; the PTA has raised $6,000 toward the swing set.

Brackett said the maintenance department would install wood chip mulch and plastic around the swing set. Contractors would install the swing set.

Brackett also said permits will be needed from the township; therefore, D’Huy Engineering will need to be involved.

The board approved the expenditure and thanked the PTA for their contribution.

Business Administrator Robert Bruchak announced the district will be replacing eight copier machines. Bruchak said the equipment will be exchanged for the same equipment and the district will pay less money per month.

Bruchak also presented the cafeteria budget and proposed changes to the school lunch program.

“The federal government wants the district to bring the prices up to the federal reimbursement rate,” Bruchak said.

Bruchak proposed a $.10 increase to all schools. Currently, the elementary lunch is $2.50, the middle school lunch is $2.80 and the high school lunch is $2.90. Each lunch would be increased if approved at the May 18 school board meeting.

The next operations committee meeting is scheduled 7 p.m. June 6 at the administration building, 1140 Salisbury Road, Allentown.

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHThe proposed swing set at Western Salisbury Elementary School is approved at the May 2 operations committee meeting.