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A public hearing will be scheduled for Creek Alley

The next step for Creek Alley was decided during the May 2 Macungie Borough Council meeting.

Creek Alley was described as “dangerous” and “in need of repair” in a July 2015 petition asking for a remodel of the road. Council decided in April there could be three possible solutions: fix the road, fix the road and add a sidewalk or vacate Creek Alley and let the residents fix the issues.

An engineer was brought in to price reconstruction of the alley. Council President Christopher T. Becker said the cost is $8,700 if a sidewalk is included in the final design.

Macungie Borough Manager Chris Boehm reminded council if they chose to vacate the property, an easement for the sewer would be needed which runs below the alley.

Council decided to grant David Young a public hearing. Young put together the petition and lives adjacent to Creek Alley. Boehm will contact Young to schedule a date.

Mayor Gary Cordner said he met with Wheels of Time in Memorial Park to discuss the complaints about policing and parking.

It was brought to council’s attention there is an obstruction of view at the intersection of Lumbar Street and Route 100. The citizen who contacted council said there is always someone parked near the intersection and drivers wishing to enter onto Route 100 need to pass the yellow line in order to see oncoming traffic.

Council member Greg Hutchinson said he would like to have the police review and offer a suggestion to fix this issue. There was talk of potentially blocking the spot, but council will investigate before any decision is made.

A seepage pit below the Brookside Estates is becoming an issue. The pit was agreed upon by the developer and is below a few of the properties in order to let water drain properly. There have been several encroachments of this easement.

Solicitor Patrick M. Armstrong, Esq., wanted to know why these encroachments were happening. Council debated whether or not the homeowners were aware the pit existed. Councilman John Yeman suggested a letter be sent to the homeowners as they move in. The letter would let the residents of Brookside know what they can and cannot place over the pit. Becker said this was a good idea.

Boehm took pictures of the homes in question May 4 to assess what should be done.

Council Vice President Roseann C. Schleicher and Boehm discussed the April 26 zoning meeting they attended. The meeting brought the East Penn municipalities together to discuss land development within each borough.

The members representing each district reviewed a map of their municipality. The maps were color coded, using a program called Land Use Conflict Identification System or LUCIS. The purpose of LUCIS is to determine what land has been used for in three categories: natural regions, agricultural use and development.

Schleicher and Boehm found fee discrepancies and had the map fixed to match the current use of land in Macungie. The new map will be on the borough’s website soon.

Another public meeting regarding the use of the land will be held 7 p.m. May 24 in Upper Milford Township. The goal of the meeting is to have a draft plan of how the remaining uncategorized land should be used. A survey went out over all six municipalities and the consensus was natural regions were most important to preserve, followed by agriculture and then land development.

The borough’s new zoning officer Kenneth Nicholson started May 2. His public summer office hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Water ordinance amendment 2016-02 has been approved and adopted into use by council.

Council member Alma Akinjiola was signed on to the civil service commission by the mayor. Akinjiola sent in her letter of interest in April to fill in the committee’s vacancy.