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What career would you choose?

To the Editor,

When I was asked what my career choice was at this point in my school life I had to think rather hard; after quite a while of thinking I came to a conclusion.

I am a quiet person, so I decided on being a librarian; the library is a quiet place where you can watch the joy of reading come alive.

As the computer generation, we are missing out on the community library.

Now I want to be a part of the community left behind and establish a new community including the computer generation.

There is no doubt there are reasons being a librarian is not the most quintessential job, for my mom says, “...the job market might not be good.” To illustrate this point, there are not that many libraries in the area, making it hard to find a job.

It is entirely true the job market is not very large for librarians. Despite the negatives, being a librarian is still the job I wish to pursue at this point in my school life.

Laura Talaber

Salisbury Middle School