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Curriculum committee gets a ‘Salisbury Middle School welcome’

A number of students who attend Salisbury Middle School, and their parents, welcomed school board members to the school April 25 for the curriculum meeting.

The group met in the flexible learning space with newly acquired furniture and white boards which can be moved to meet the planned curriculum for the day. The space is reserved by the teachers and can be used as one big room or divided in two.

Also observed was the new student lounge to be used by students who have been recognized by teachers as having good behavior and student of the month/quarter nominees, The room has a foosball table and wii, xbox and Playstation gaming systems, which were donated, and a large screen television. Comfortable seating is also in the room for relaxation as well as a table and chairs for eating snacks. The lounge area was suggested by student council.

Students also demonstrated iMovie, programming aids and math, science and social studies programs.

After the tour, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Lynn Fuini-Hetten and elementary principals Grace Hartman and Zachary Brem provided an update on full-day kindergarten.

The full-day kindergarten district goals, curriculum and survey results completed by parents were reviewed by the committee.

“I was originally very anti-full-day kindergarten,” one parent wrote. “I do not feel that way any longer.”

Kindergarten students tested in fall 2015 and again this spring showed very positive improvement in all areas tested at both elementary schools.

Kindergarten enrollment at Western Salisbury Elementary School is up at this point compared to last year and kindergarten enrollment at Harry S Truman Elementary School is on track for the same time last year.

Assessment updates were provided by Fuini-Hetten and Salisbury High School Principal Heather Morningstar.

In Keystone biology remediation, teachers have been working during Falcon period, some are reviewing podcasts and seven to eight students have voluntarily attended three Saturday sessions. After school sessions are offered and provided upon request.

Remediation in algebra and geometry are designed to meet the students’ needs either in the clsassroom or during Falcon period. Students new to the district take a placement test and take Keystone preparation during Falcon period.

In Keystone literature, remediation occurs during Falcon period.

Principals from all four schools provided an update on professional learning by staff during professional development days.

Supervisor of Instructional Practice Ross Cooper also provided an update on the summer academy being planned.

The next curriculum meeting is scheduled 7 p.m. May 23 in the administration building.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHThe new lounge area at Salisbury Middle School has a number of activities for students including a foosball table being demonstrated April 25 by Martia, Jacob and Rob Heitzer.