Published May 05. 2016 12:00AM
To the Editor,
Recently I’ve been asked what career I am considering at this point in my school life.
To me, that’s an easy question– I would love to become a photographer.
Becoming a photographer would be amazing. Imagine traveling on an exhilarating trip of a lifetime to capture breathtaking pictures of brightly-colored Rainbow Macaws deep within the rainforests of Brazil.
Some photographers get paid to capture beautiful moments in life. A wedding, a beloved pet, a birthday party, a family vacation and more. You are getting paid to witness these amazing moments.
Critics may argue becoming a photographer is not a good choice. “It’s not a steady job. You’re relying on people. You really can’t get up and go to that job everyday like a normal job,” Jill Suter said.
I don’t think that is necessarily true. Some photographers could own their own businesses. They could go into work everyday and would rely on themselves and their business rather than waiting for someone to ask them to take pictures. There are many jobs in the world, but the one I’m passionate about is becoming a photographer when I get older.
Emily Suter
Salisbury Middle School