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Article By: The Press

To the Editor,

At this point in my school life, I have considered researching interior design for a future career. I have considered interior design mostly because I find integrating different colors, styles and pieces of furniture very fascinating. According to “Careerview.com,” interior design deals mainly with pleasing the customer. With this career, benefits such as quality pay, a nicely adorned home and the ability to use style and design are possible.

It may be true fastidious customers come into play with the job; however, individuals like this only cause you to go further into depth with what you’re being asked to do. Designing for scrupulous individuals can push you to gain styling skills which can support upcoming tasks for customers much like them.

Becoming an interior designer with difficult customers will only encourage me to improve my skills. As a result, I feel becoming an interior designer would be a great career choice for me.

Shannon McCloskey

Salisbury Middle School