Wheels of Time will continue at Macungie Memorial Park
Macungie Borough Council met April 18 and concerns over the Church Street traffic light and Macungie Memorial Park’s parking lines were among the topics of debate.
The concern over Wheels of Time was touched on briefly, with council members mentioning the organization is not going anywhere. In addition, the police sergeant has expressed a willingness to meet with representatives of the organization over policing issues.
David Young, of Macungie, expressed his concerns about the additional traffic that may use Creek Alley to navigate around the new Church Street traffic light. In July 2015, a petition was presented to the council regarding the condition of Creek Alley. The entrance to Creek Alley was described as “dangerous” and “in need of repair.”
The proposal presented suggested to either add a sidewalk to the existing alley or remove the public entrance all together. An engineer has been contacted by those who neighbor the road to see if the existing space could handle both the one-way alley and a sidewalk.
“We’re going to take this [issue] under advisement and get back to it,” Chris Becker, council president, said in response.
Council further agreed to look into the improvement of Creek Alley. Three possibilities for future use were discussed: having a 13-foot alley with a 3-foot sidewalk, leaving the alley as is and not adding a sidewalk and the borough vacating the property and letting the petitioners take care of it.
A final decision was made to look into pricing on the potential Creek Alley project.
Amy Hillegass, with Macungie Memorial Park, has requested the parking lot lines be repainted. Council member Marvin Moyer expressed concern over the use of the parking spaces, stating if the parking lot is used for anything other than residents using the park, then council should not repaint the lines.
When it came to a vote, only Moyer was opposed.
In other business, plans were well under way for the 175th anniversary of Solomon U.C.C. and Grace Lutheran churches April 23.
Linden Miller’s letter of interest for the Borough Authority vacancy has been approved.
Council member Alma Akinjiola submitted a letter for the civil service commission committee vacancy.
The Water Ordinance amendment has also been approved.