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Open space committee holds forum

In the wake of seeing the Kohler property slated for development, as well as inexorably increasing traffic in Upper Milford Township as a result of development both in and out of the township, supervisors and the open space committee held a forum April 13 to look into ways of preserving open space, such as earmarking a small tax increase for its purchase, as well as other issues impacting farmers.

Some 50 people attended, many of them farmers or owners of large pieces of land, and nearly all were in favor of taking measures to preserve what open space still remains in the township.

Open space committee Chair Francis Caputo called it a “very, very positive meeting.”

Supervisors Chairman George DeVault said he was “delighted with the whole thing, starting with the turnout.”

The crowd included “all different kinds of farmers,” he said; “young, old, wannabe.”

There was even a couple who have purchased 65 acres of farmland on St. Peter’s Road and are developing it as a winery.

Supervisors have been discussing a referendum on the November ballot asking residents to support a small tax increase earmarked for the purchase of open space. If the mood at last week’s meeting reflects the mood of most township residents, such a referendum would be overwhelmingly supported.

Attendees debated whether it would be preferable to increase the property tax or the earned income tax for this purpose and sentiment was strongly in favor of using the earned income tax.

Township Manager Daniel DeLong said supervisors and township staff have been “kicking some numbers around,” and a sum of one-half of one percent of an individual’s earned income is a likely possibility.

At least one additional public meeting and possibly more will be held to educate and get feedback from the public on the issue.

In order to get a referendum question on the ballot, it would have to be ready by mid-July, DeLong said.

The next step for supervisors, DeVault said, would be to come up with the wording of the question and to continue with public education and outreach about the issue.

“We need to preserve it [open space] before it’s too late,” he said.

The meeting also included discussion of the changing nature of farming, DeVault said. Farms of the future are likely to be much smaller and there are things the township could do with the zoning ordinance and other regulations, such as the requirements for stormwater management plans, to make smaller farming possible and affordable.