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Wheels of Time officials express concern

Macungie Memorial Park Manager Amy Hillegass and Ken Martin and Sam Smith with the Wheels of Time organization reported “undue scrutiny” by the borough police during the last couple of events held in Macungie.

Martin reported the Wheels of Time organization received a letter from a young man describing a recent incident.

The young man pulled to the side of Lehigh Street looking for his handicapped brother, who was completing a cleanup service project with his Boy Scout Troop. The fire police told him he could park in the spot to wait for his brother. After a few minutes a Macungie police officer pulled up beside the young man, who explained his position. The officer, in response, pointed to the “No Parking” sign, telling the young man to move the car.

After asking where he could wait for his brother, the officer responded, “I don’t care, anywhere but here!”

Following the confrontation, the young man made his way to his brother with the help of some event workers.

In another incident, two brothers brought their families from out of state to visit the show. In the evening while they were headed out to their accommodations on Chestnut Street, they apparently were double parked, conversing about exactly where they were headed. An officer pulled up and harassed the men for drag racing.

“We want to stay at the park and work with police,” Smith said.

A suggestion was made to place a police car at the Walnut Street entrance, which would hopefully be a deterrent to the minority of visitors who may be looking to cause trouble.

“The last thing we want is for someone to get hurt,” Martin said.

Council president Chris Becker said, “We are looking to the future of the Wheels of Time. Mayor [Gary] Cordner, Amy Hillegass and Sgt. [Travis] Kocher will meet in the near future to resolve all concerns.”

In other Macungie Memorial Park news, Hillegass expressed concern over the growing incidence of graffiti on buildings within the park and BB gun shootings of lights. The security cameras, motion sensors and some additional police patrols will help discourage defacing of the community’s park. She thanked the Macungie Fire Department for their assistance untangling the rope on the flagpole multiple times.

Solomon U.C.C. and Grace Lutheran churches have set dates for their 175th anniversary. On April 23, a joint banquet will be held with a presentation by Cordner of the borough’s celebration proclamations.

On Sept. 25, a joint church service will be held at Solomon’s. On Dec. 11, both churches will ring bells 175 times.

Ryan Kern, borough engineer, reviewed the construction plans in process. A Cotton Street preconstruction meeting will be scheduled with all property owners invited. Currently the Cotton Street project is proposed to begin in mid-June, and completed by mid-September. The Main Street Streetscape bid will be advertised in June and bids awarded in September. The Race Street waterline replacement is out for bid.

Borough Manager Chris Boehm reported three of the Lehigh Street ornamental street lights will be paid for by an anonymous donor. The town beautification committee will pay for one streetlight and the borough will fund the cost of installation along Lehigh Street from the pedestrian bridge to the park.

Council approved the purchase of the streetlights from Schaedler Yesco Distribution.

The South Western Lehigh Comprehensive Plan will be discussed at the 7 p.m. April 26 public meeting at Upper Milford Township Building.

In other business, Linn Walker was appointed to the planning commission for a 4-year term ending March 31, 2020. Linden Miller was appointed to the Macungie Institute Board of Trustees for a 3-year term ending March 31, 2019. John Horner was appointed to the zoning hearing board for a 3-year term ending March 31, 2019. Robert Bogert Jr. has been appointed to the borough water authority for the term ending Dec. 31, 2019.

Boehm reported the public meeting with residents from the Village Walk area and the Ridings development was well attended. Since the whole park improvement estimate was costly, residents suggested it be done in phases. A walking path, basketball court repaving, additional benches and a reader board would be the first items to be installed for Phase 1.

The adoption of Resolution 2016-09 was made for the borough to apply for a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to help institute the Brookfield Park Improvements. Boehm remarked the Ridings development is planning fundraising and the Little Tree Day Care would like to help.