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Program eliminated program eliminated

In the spring edition of the borough newsletter, residents learned Emmaus Borough Council had decided to eliminate the summer parks program.

Borough Manager Shane Pepe said the decision was difficult.

“The purpose of the program was to provide a structured park program,” Pepe said. “It turned out to be a taxpayer supplemented babysitting program for four hours per day, five days a week, for six weeks.”

Pepe said when the borough attempted to make the program more structured, complaints were received from both parents and children.

“We understand the argument that parents have in regards to it being an opportunity for their children to do crafts and socialize; however, council members questioned if that is the true purpose of our local government and if that should be the mission of the program.”

Pepe said there have been concerning issues over the past few years. Frequently, parents or guardians have failed to pick their young child up in a timely manner.

“This was not just the same person over and over, but it varied. Last year, on at least two different occasions, our employees had to wait with a child for over an hour after the program ended for a parent. On one occasion last year, the program ended at noon; we finally were able to make contact with the parent at 2:30 p.m. after we had the police assist us.”

There has also been an increase in physical altercations among the kids, as well as issues with bullying.

Pepe said the borough hires college and high school counselors who are not trained to handle physical altercations, angry parents and psychological issues.

“In addition, over the past two years, our liability insurance has been forced to cover broken bones on two different occasions as a result of the kids falling off park equipment. In one instance, a kid climbed to the top of a sliding board. Our park counselor insisted that they get down. They got down just fine, but by doing a Superman dive and breaking their arm.”

Pepe said last year, the rules of insurance and clearances also changed.

“We hired high school and college kids at minimum wage for this job. The job is not a long-term position and the turnover is high. The counselors don’t make a whole lot of money. However, to be able to work, they now have to obtain a state background check (which we’ve always conducted for individuals over 18, but most of the counselors are not over 18), a child abuse history check for anybody over 14 and an FBI fingerprint clearance. The cost of doing this is $48 per employee, which is about 50 percent of a week’s net pay, which is just under 10 percent of what they actually bring home for the entire program.

“On top of this, all leaders of the program, as well as members of the public works department, now have to attend a class and obtain a certification for child abuse awareness. Lastly, our insurance carrier has also mandated that the borough carry a separate rider policy because we sponsor a day camp,” Pepe said.

This program has always been a financial burden on taxpayers, Pepe said. Taxpayer dollars have funded no less than $2,000 of direct costs every year since the program’s inception. In addition to that number is the cost of worker’s compensation, liability insurance for the program, or any certifications, clearances, or other training to be conducted for employees. Council viewed this as a cost of doing business, as they favored the intention of the program, which was to provide a recreational day camp for borough resident’s children in the summer.

“The intention of the program and the reality of the program are two different things,” Pepe said.

“For all of these reasons, when discussing the program at the end of last year, borough council decided to suspend the program for 2016 and re-evaluate it for 2017.”

In a telephone interview April 8, Pepe said he has only heard from four residents about the program being suspended.

Pepe encouraged residents to put together a petition and present it at a council meeting. On April 4, an online petition had 65 signatures and no one appeared at the council meeting.

The online petition has 13 comments encouraging the borough to “do the right thing” and keep the program.

One guest comment encouraged the borough to not “penalize the children for the actions of a few adults. This program is valuable and gives them a chance to meet other children in their community. Some of my fondest memories are of my childhood parks program. Let’s get these kids away from their devices and outdoors for a few hours a day!”

Several comments encouraged the borough to hire district employees who already have their clearances as counselors.

Another anonymous writer remarked, “As a parent, I would be willing to pay more. This program has been around for decades from what I understand. If there are extreme behavioral problems, remove those children from the program. Problem solved.

“The park’s program helps kids appreciate our beautiful park and nature. It helps out our working parents by offering a program that allows kids to strengthen peer relationships, have fun, exercise, learn to swim, and, teach all the social skills that go along with learning to get along with others. Kids don’t get much recess at school anymore and overall, don’t play outside like years ago. Perhaps, limit the age group if needed. Another idea would be to offer a survey to the parents or kids about more structured programs. My child attended the last few years and I have not heard about anyone either asking, or, complaining about structured programs. I believe children who attend the program are more willing to give back and respect their community when they are older. Do the right thing Emmaus!”

FILE PHOTOIn 2013, Press photographer C. Richard Chartrand took this picture of children having fun at the Emmaus Summer Playground Program.