District news: Basketball team will hold Night at the Races this Saturday
Whitehall High School boys basketball team presents a Night at the Races fundraiser April 2 at American Club of Coplay. Doors will open 5:30 p.m., and races begin 7 p.m.
The cost of a ticket includes beer, soda, barbecue, chips and pretzels.
At this fundraiser event, taped horse races will be shown, on which participants can place bets. The taped races are secure so that no one knows who the winners are.
Bets are sold for $2 each and you may purchase as many $2 bets as you would like, or you can place multiple bets on a single horse. A second way to bet on the race is by purchasing a horse. You get to name your horse, and if your horse wins the race, you win $50.
Each purchased horse has a 1-in-10 chance of winning. There are only 100 horses available, so get your names in early. It is a fun night for a great cause!
For tickets, send your name, phone number, email, number of tickets and payment to Linda Melosky, 2607 Halleck Drive, Whitehall, 18052. Make checks payable to “Whitehall Varsity W.”
For information, contact Linda at Imelosky@gmail.com or 610-730-4045.
The end of the third marking period is April 6. Report cards will be distributed a few weeks later.
Please be sure to discuss any issues or concerns you have with your child and your child’s teacher.
The high school’s Drama Club will be performing “Guys & Dolls” 7 p.m. April 7-9 and 2 p.m. April 10. The performance will be held at Whitehall High School, 3800 Mechanicsville Road, Whitehall.
Tickets are $8 for students and seniors and $12 for adults.
Tickets can be purchased by visiting whitehallmusic.com/guysanddolls or by calling the ticket hotline, 610-437-5081, ext. 93270.
Visit the Whitehall Coplay School District website, whitehallcoplay.org/districtsite, to stay up to date on resources for both parents and students.
Also, the Whitehall Coplay Middle School newsletter can be read online at whitehallcoplay.org/middle/index.html.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTSAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with Whitehall-Coplay School News in the subject line at least a week before an event.