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Former Police Chief Edward Harry returns to borough as part-time officer

At the March 7 Macungie Borough Council meeting, former Police Chief Edward Harry was approved as a part-time police officer at the request of Sgt. Travis Kocher. Harry will help with department scheduling.

In addition, council approved Harry to use his bullet proof vest while working for the borough. It will be returned at the termination of his employment.

In other business, council approved the request to have the Macungie Fire Police provide traffic control assistance to the Goodwill Fire Company July 16 for the Four County Firemen’s Parade. Macungie Fire Police assistance was also requested during the first day of spring event at Rita’s Ice, 100 W. Main St., March 20. This was also approved.

Borough Manager Chris Boehm reported receiving information from four companies to provide codification services for the borough. Boehm recommended American Legal Publishing Corp. which council approved for a two-year contract term with the stipulation the company accept the borough’s codification in pdf format.

The town beautification committee is hosting several fundraising events including a spring fling April 9 and Pizzetta gift cards.

Currently there are two vacancies on the water authority, one alternate vacancy on the civil service commission and one Macungie Institute Board of Trustee vacancy. Any residents interested in serving should contact the borough at 610-966-2503.

Some members of council, Boehm, The Trustees and the Friends of the Macungie Institute met to consider increasing the rental rate for both the Macungie Historical Society and the Boy Scouts. Council President Chris Becker will schedule a meeting with the Macungie Historical Society, who expressed concerns, to discuss the rental rate.

Karen Holt, Macungie Institute building coordinator, advised council via letter, a $2,500 grant from Air Products Foundation was received. A new projector was installed funded by the Friends of the Macungie Institute and the Tree of Life Fund.

Council has agreed to allow events or rentals to have alcohol sensibly at the Macungie Institute during events. Boehm will have the Trustees create a policy for council’s approval.

Kevin Kennedy’s resignation from the Macungie Police Department was approved unanimously.

Debra Cope has been appointed as the Civil Service Commission alternate.

The TAP Grant from PennDOT, requires the borough to hire a qualified construction inspector for the Main Street Streetscape Project. The borough has been granted $432,000 in TAP funding from the Lehigh Valley Transportation Study to construct curb extensions and crosswalks on Main Street, between the railroad crossing and Chestnut Street. Proposals were received from Urban Engineers, Traffic Planning and Design and McTish, Kunkel & Associates. Council was concerned, PennDOT will not allow cost to be a factor in hiring an inspector. Boehm’s review of the proposals revealed Traffic Planning and Design has the most experience working with streetscape projects.

Council member David Boyko made a motion to list the companies in order of Traffic Planning and Design, McTish, Kunkel & Associates and Urban Engineers on condition council sees the final agreement and is reviewed by the borough.

Boehm will begin work on a template policy safety manual for the borough as required by the Susquehanna Municipal Trust Agreement, an accident and illness prevention program policy. The template will be given to council for review. Council also discussed creating a safety committee which may be addressed when the safety policy is created.