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Supervisors, developer clash over Fields at Indian Creek plans

Upper Milford supervisors on March 3 reviewed the recreation area of the proposed Fields at Indian Creek in a lengthy discussion punctuated by acrimonious exchanges between supervisor Robert Sentner and Rick Koze of Kay Builders.

Ultimately, no decision was made on the developer’s latest proposals, instead asking for more comments from the township engineer.

Kay Builders is planning to build an adult community (55 and over) of 218 homes on the former Indian Creek Golf Course at the intersection of Cedar Crest Boulevard and Chestnut Street. Most of the proposed development lies in Upper Milford, with portions of it in Emmaus and Lower Macungie Township.

At issue Thursday night was Kay Builders’ proposed public walking path through the development, portions of which follow the paths in the former golf course. Koze is proposing a five-foot wide trail of crushed stone, because he would like it to be primarily a walking trail. Supervisors, in turn, would like it to be paved, six feet wide and open to bicycles.

Koze said he is willing to go along with their wishes, but would like a waiver of liability if the trail is going to be used by bicyclists.

Sentner remarked, “No matter what you call it (the path), people are going to ride bikes on it.”

He seemed particularly annoyed by the short amount of time the township has had to review the latest plan. “We just got this hours ago,” he said.

Koze maintained the township has had the plans for awhile and accused Sentner of questioning his integrity.

Township Manager Daniel DeLong said after the meeting the engineer had not received the plans until the previous Friday, so hadn’t had time to complete his review prior to the meeting.

Supervisors George DeVault and Daniel Mohr both agreed they would like to see the path paved, but would like to see comments from the township engineer before making final recommendations.

Planning coordinator Brian Miller said the township ordinance requires paths to be six feet wide whether they are for walking or bicycles.

Also discussed was the issue of emergency access to the path and the condition of four pedestrian footbridges (also remnants of the former golf course) and their weight bearing limits. Sentner said the bridges need repairs and he would like the engineer’s input on them as well.

A somewhat exasperated Koze declared, “You sit down with the engineer and go through what you want. I need something official from the engineer with input from the board.”

Supervisors had also been asked to give the developer final approval on Phase One of the plan, but although they discussed it briefly, they took no action.

In other business, Chris Greb of the Macungie Ambulance Corps presented his annual report to the board. He said Macungie answered a total of nearly 3,500 calls in 2015, 213 of them in Upper Milford.

Supervisors thanked him and praised the corps for its work.