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Fees remain unchanged for ‘Night’ vendors

Kathy Hermany, chair of the Night in the Country celebration, mentioned the subject of fees for vendors at the August event during the Feb. 24 Northwestern Recreation Commission meeting.

Commission members agreed fees will remain the same as last year.

A deposit was authorized for the Celebration fireworks. It is the second year of a three-year contract with the price going up annually. This year the cost will be $16,500.

Letters were signed to go to state representatives to obtain improvements to Northwest Road for the safety of those crossing from the school to the recreation fields.

Insurance cost for directors’ and officers’ indemnity insurance was among bills paid. Remaining insurance was not clear as to what cost covered what items.

President Don Link will call and obtain details.

The annual walk-around the recreation fields is scheduled for 8 a.m. March 26. The walking trail is expected to be discussed.

Anyone with input is welcome to attend.

The spray program for the fields has four parts with three chosen for application each year.

This year, crabgrass preventive and fertilizer will be applied for $2,471, weed control for $1,312 and finishing with fall fertilization for $2,144.

Member Justin Smith of Lynn Township said the new field has to be included as he thinks it was missed last year.

The by-law committee said changes can be made but there are regulations about how different parts can be changed.

The section on standing committees is being deleted as there are no committees. However, there will be information about how to establish a committee if needed.

The roof of the Potato Barn, along Northwest Road, which is leased by Heidelberg Township, is leaking. Previous roof repairs cost $800.

Bids will be solicited for a steel roof that runs the full length. The full replacement will be close to $20,000.

The Northwestern Youth Athletic Association will be sponsoring bingo at the Germansville Fire Company the third Sunday of each month with the first one on March 20.

Todd Leiser said the soccer field needs considerable attention. The person who gave him this information has to provide more detail, and will have to understand the field will need to be rested and cannot immediately be played on.

Commission member Linda Gorgas of Weisenberg Township said a soccer field and a baseball field on Weisenberg’s 14 acres near Waste Management will possibly be ready for use next year.

Leiser said it will be good to have something on that end of the district.

As lacross fields are still needed, it was mentioned the soccer field might be suitable for that use also.