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Borough says goodbye to police chief

The Macungie Borough Council meeting was moved to the Macungie Institute Feb. 18 to accommodate the number of residents wanting to honor Police Chief Edward Harry Jr.

Harry has accepted a position with the Hazleton School District as the new director of security and school police.

Mayor Gary Cordner and the borough police officers presented Harry with gifts including a 100th anniversary plate, a collage of the borough’s beauty and landmarks and a shadow box showcasing his police officer badge.

Dorothy Kociuba coordinated refreshments, at the delight of the standing room only turnout.

Sgt. Travis Kocher was appointed Officer In Charge at a $1 per hour increase.

In other business, Chris Greb from the Macungie Ambulance Corps presented the annual report. Macungie Ambulance Corps is celebrating its 60th year of operation with 10 years offering advanced life support.

In 2015, the ambulance corps answered 3,482 calls, up 190 from 2014.

Paul Pugielli, of Brown and Brown Insurance, explained and answered many questions about the Susquehanna Insurance Trust. The borough has accepted this coverage for borough employees for the next two years at a savings of $15,000 per year.

Keystate Publishers, who currently operates the borough’s online search for codes and ordinances, is going out of business as of March 31. Residents were informed the information is being preserved and will continue to be available on the borough website.

The streetlight electric service will continue to be provided by Champion Energy at a reduced cost. Currently the cost is .0740 cents per KWH. Upon renewal of the service, the rate will be reduced to .0454 cents per KWH, a savings of $4,000 a month.

Council accepted, with regret, the resignation of zoning officer Mark Vasoli. His last day in office will be Feb. 26.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOMacungie Mayor Gary Cordner says a few words about Police Chief Edward Harry Jr. who was honored for his service at the Feb. 18 Macungie Borough Council meeting.