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Rep. Mike Schlossberg announces bid for re-election

With numerous accomplishments under his belt, state Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-132nd, wants to continue fighting for the goal of his previous slogan, “Making Government Work Again.”

Both he and fellow state Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-22nd, recently announced their bids for re-election.

Schlossberg is seeking his third term in Harrisburg representing the 132nd Legislative District, which covers portions of the City of Allentown and portions of South Whitehall Township.

He was first elected in 2012, when he ran to fill the seat occupied for over a decade by Jennifer Mann.

In the house, he has served on five committees: transportation, health, human services, environmental resources, energy and state government.

He is also the chairman of the Democratic Northeastern Delegation, as well as co-chair and co-founder of the Mental Health Caucus and the Democratic co-chair of the Manufacturing Caucus.

Schlossberg addressed the audience with candor, “Let me start with making a pretty honest confession. This job isn’t a lot of fun at the moment.”

Citing “masochism and self-flagellation” in Harrisburg with a far too-controlling Tea Party and the loss of moderates, Schlossberg said, “The institution I love – the Pennsylvania House of Representatives – currently suffers from a case of political paralysis so strong we are unable to fulfill our most basic responsibilities.

“Wherever we turn be it Allentown, Harrisburg or the United States, it seems government and public service is struggling.”

Schlossberg asked rhetorically why he would want to continue to serve, and what has he done to deserve re-election.

“It is not black and white and can’t be fit into a newspaper article or a tweet,” he said. “But, as difficult as this job can be to explain, I know this much: I do deserve re-election, and I say it proudly. I believe what I’ve done in the past three years merits another term, and I know there is much, much more work that needs to be completed.”

Schlossberg outlined several of his political accomplishments.

From passing laws in support of rape victims and abused spouses to creating regulations for background checks for at-home daycares, the endeavors have been varied.

At the top of his list was restoring funding to the Allentown School District after the 2010 cuts under former Gov. Tom Corbett.

As a result, the school district was recently able to add art, music and gym back into its elementary schools.

He is most proud, however, of his unapologetic fight to restore funding in the areas of human services and mental health.

Schlossberg very publically says his own struggle with depression and anxiety has put him in a unique position “to try to engage in efforts to let people know that mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of.”

According to Schlossberg, 25 percent of all Americans actively have a mental problem, and 50 percent will at some point in their life.

With his colleagues, he cofounded a mental health caucus.

“I’m hoping to turn that effort into an anti-stigma campaign in the future,” he said.

Schlossberg is married with two young children.

His wife, Brenna, is a teacher in the Allentown School District.

“They motivate me to do a better job. After all, I’m not only fighting for my community, I’m fighting for my family,” Schlossberg said.

Noting he, too, can become discouraged, Schlossberg recalled an evening when his wife helped him put all things into perspective.

“She reminded me, the pendulum always swings. The Tea Party will one day fade. Compromise and common sense will return. Education will be valued again, and the need to invest in ourselves will return.”

“Do I know this will happen? Of course not. But if you want a representative who values education, middle class job growth, taking care of people who cannot take care of themselves and the rights of all, I’m your man.

“There is so much work left to do, and that’s why I am asking for another two years as your state representative.”


The 132nd Legislative District includes: Allentown’s Ward 6-2; Wards 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6 and 8-7; Wards 10-3 and 10-4; Wards 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 11-6 and 11-7; Wards 13-1, 13-2, 13-3 and 13-4; Ward 14-1; Wards 15-1, 15-2, 15-3 and 15-4; Ward 17 (1, 2, 3, 4, 4P); and Wards 18 (1, 2, 2P) and in South Whitehall, Wards 1, 2 and 7.

PRESS PHOTO BY JENNIFER BODISCHState Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-132nd, addresses the audience as he announces he is running for a third term in the state House at his kick-off campaign Jan. 26 at the East Side Youth Center, Allentown.