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Nestle Waters donates $15,000 for Ontelaunee Park

Eric Andreus, representing Nestle Waters, attended the Lynn supervisors Feb. 11 meeting to present a check for $15,000 to the township in support of Ontelaunee Park.

Nestle Waters’ continued support of the township and its park is greatly appreciated by the board.

Pennsylvania State Police Lt. Jonathan Nederostek visited the Lynn Township Supervisors’ Feb. 11 meeting.

Some residents were concerned about the recent discovery of a meth lab in New Tripoli.

He assured them and the board this is not a common occurrence in the area.

However, he gave everyone a list of things to be aware of which might indicate the presence of a drug operation.

These included unusual odors (ammonia smell, ether, rotten eggs or cat urine), covered windows, windows open or a ventilation system, dogs, cameras or monitors, dead vegetation from toxic substances being dumped and trash dumped along highways that would include rubber gloves, respiratory equipment and certain other specialized garbage.

Other clues could be that the person living there is somewhat of a recluse and doesn’t leave the house very often. They smoke outside and not inside and there is a large amount of traffic to the site.

Nederostek also noted the chemicals used in drug making could explode if not handled properly.

Anyone who notices any of these signs should call the state police and they will invesitgate.

One subdivision was on the agenda for the meeting. Scott Dietrich, Beitler Surveying, displayed the plan to the board.

The proposal consists of two lots on the south side of Holbens Valley Road.

Supervisors looked favorably on the proposal and gave approval.

Lynnport Fire Chief Clark Mantz reported to the board firefighters responded to six emergency calls so far this year.

He also noted 2000 Club drawings are being held every Friday night until conclusion.

New Tripoli Fire Chief Peter Christ did not have an end-of-year report due to a computer problem.

He touched upon the fire study undertaken in the township.

In his opinion and Lynnports, a committee should be appointed, consisting of six members from each fire company and one supervisor member, to review the study and make recommendations.

Supervisors’ Chairman Justin Smith said the number involved on the committee should be lower.

He suggested three members from each fire company and one supervisor would be sufficient.

The other board members agreed.

Jay Albright mentioned the subject of fire hydrants in the Ponderosa development in the southwestern portion of the township.

He said the system is inoperable and whenever a fire occurs, water must be trucked in to fight the fire.

A recent garage fire reinforced his point.

Albright wanted to know to whom he could voice a complaint.

Township Engineer Chris Noll told him to call the state Department of Environmetal Protection.

The road report indicated that, other than plowing snow, the crew managed to complete and work at some other projects.

Some boom mowing was done before the snow came and will be resumed shortly. The crew will also start cold patching soon.

A letter was received from Berks County telling the board Charles Durkin Jr.’s farm will be enrolled in the Albany Township Agricultural Security program.

The tract consists of 119.2 acres of which 113 acres are in Albany Township.

Berks County wants to include the part in Lynn Township in its AG District. However, Solicitor Mark Fisher wasn’t sure whether they could do this or not. He will check and report back to the Board.

The company selected to codify the township’s ordinances has indicated it is not willing to complete the project, even though it receive $4,000.

The township will look into retrieving part or all of the money invested in the undertaking.

In other park news, the board received a proposal to rebuild the pavilion.

Scott Smith said he could do the work for $5,237.

The Northwestern Lehigh Education Foundation is scheduled to have its annual 5K run in the park May 28.

PRESS PHOTO BY KENNETH BLEILEREric Andreus, representing Nestle Waters, attended the Lynn Township supervisors' Feb. 11 meeting to present a check for $15,000 in support of Ontelaunee Park. Accepting the check were Supervisors Steve Feinour, Justin Smith and Brian Dietrich Copyright - COPYRIGHT, 2011