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Grundsau Lodsch Nummer Ains hosts annual banquet

Donald Breininger entertained the audience at the 80th annual Grundsau Lodsch Nummer Ains banquet at the Schnecksville Fire Hall.

He regaled the assemblage of approximately 150 people with stories and jokes spoken in Pa. Dutch dialect.

Prior to that, the audience was treated to a humorous skit put on by the board members.

However, the highlight of the evening was the annual weather prediction from the venerable groundhog.

That evening he predicted spring would be just around the corner.

Another feature of the evening was the auctioning of a complete set of programs since the inception of the lodge.

Bill Meck, noted auctioneer, was up to the task and conducted the sale until Dr. William Donner won with a bid of $190.

Other winners for the evening, whose names were drawn in the 50/50 drawing, were Marvin Schantz ($25), Scott Christman ($25) and Daniel Hartman ($50).

This lodge, No. 1, was founded in 1934 by a group of Germans in the Allentown area.

They adopted certain rules and regulations and have had a groundhog day banquet every year since their inception except for three years during the World War II.

Their goal was to preserve the Pennsylvania Dutch customs and traditions while having a little fun at the same time.

They adopted the groundhog as their mascot due to his legendary weather predictions.

Seventeen more lodges were established throughout the area, modeling the style of Nummer Ains.

Most of these lodges are still in existence, even though attendance is dwindling.

The older people are passing on and the younger generation has no interest.

The Board members were introduced by Lee Haas.

Chairman will be William W. Williams, vice chairman - William J. Meck, secretary - Patrick J. Donmoyer, treasurer - Zachary Langley and ticket seller - Leroy E. Brown.

Other members of the board are Charles E. Brader, Dr. William W. Donner, Daryle K. Gambler, Pastor Russel L. J. Heintzelman, William C. Mantz, Michael Werley, Scott W. Williams, Ed Quinter and Professor Richard K. Miller.

The Board lamented the passing of some of their members and acquaintances.

Ronald K. Werley, Raymond L. Huber and Peter V. Fritsch passed away along with Raymond “Jack” Follweiler of lodge Nu. 18 and Don Yoder, author of many books about the Pennsylvania Dutch.

The food presented by the kitchen of the Schnecksville Fire Company was good and plentiful.

Dinner consisted of chicken, sausage, beans, carrots, filling and much more.

The Happy Dutchmen serenaded the attendees while they ate their meal.

PRESS PHOTOS BY KENNETH BLEILERGrundsau Lodsch Nummer Ains board members carry the guest of honor, the groundhog, into the banquet at the Schnecksville Fire Hall.