Board ponders proposed budget
East Penn School Board President Alan Earnshaw brought the Feb. 8 meeting to order and introduced Emmaus High School’s Student Government Representative, Matt FitzMaurice, who reported a well-attended winter dance and a motivating school Spirit Day. He also reported the boys basketball team has entered the East Penn Conference Playoffs.
The Emmaus field hockey coach, Sue Butz Stavin was recently named National Coach of the Year by Max Field Hockey. Resident Richard Musselman addressed the board suggesting the facility housing Memorial Field at the high school, be renamed the “Sue Butz Stavin Stadium” or “Butz Stadium.” No discussion was held regarding that request.
In other business, Scott Shearer, managing director of Public Financial Management addressed the board explaining details and answering questions about bond refunding/restructuring which would save the district a total of $85,000. Interim Business Manager for the district, Denis McCall, said the refunding/restructuring would alleviate the need to raise taxes unnecessarily. The board agreed to go forward with researching the options of a bank loan versus a bond issue. A decision is expected at the board meeting Feb. 22, which will enable the opportunity to refinance as soon as May 15.
During a discussion of the 2016-2017 preliminary budget, Superintendent Dr. Michael Schilder presented the administration’s program priorities. These priorities consist of special education staff for an autistic program, an Alburtis teacher, an Emmaus High School resource officer, diving board replacement, EHS AP Psychology texts, a middle school English as a Second Language teacher, EHS science texts/resources, Lincoln Elementary security cameras and assistant principals/supervisors for Shoemaker Elementary School and Willow Lane Elementary School. These priorities total $724,000 and are included in the proposed preliminary budget.
Administrators said “use of the fund balance to balance the past and current budgets has depleted the fund balance to very low levels and may impact the bond rating.” In addition, the current preliminary budget plan will result in either a tax rate above index or budget cuts.
The suggested restructuring of the Series 2011 bond will reduce the level of tax rate increases. Restructuring will also reduce the use of the fund balance.
Administration recommended restructuring the Series 2011 bond.
Discussion of the current budget and prioritized goals continued. Board member Charles Ballard reminded the board a budgetary reserve needs to be maintained whenever possible. All agreed the passing of the state budget, will be a relief to all.
In personnel news, Michael Blair, instructional assistant at Lower Macungie Middle School resigned effective Jan. 16. The board also accepted the retirement of Dr. Ronald P. Renaldi, principal at Alburtis Elementary School effective July 1. As a result of medical leave, Renaldi’s last day will be Feb. 26. Renaldi thanked the board, via correspondence, for allowing him to serve the students and parents of the Jefferson and Alburtis communities for the past 10 years. “It has been both an honor and a privilege.”
Susan M. Leposa, technology specialist, office of technology, is retiring effective March 17 after 17 years with the district.
Much of the meeting was spent on the discussion, final reading and adoption of board policy series 100 programs - part one of two, policies 101-116.1 in the policy manual.
Policy 101 is philosophy of education, Policy 102 is education goals, Policy 103 is nondiscrimination in school and classroom practices, nondiscrimination in qualified students with disabilities, Policy 104 is nondiscrimination in employment and contract practices, Policy 105 is curriculum development, Policy 106 is course guides, Policy 107 is adoption of courses of study, Policy 108 is adoption of textbooks, Policy 109 is resource materials, Policy 110 is instructional supplies, Policy 111 is lesson plans, Policy 112 is guidance counseling,
Policy 113 is special education, policy 114 is gifted education, Policy 115 is career and technical education and Policy 116 is tutoring.
The next board meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. Feb. 22.