Spring sports physicals are approaching
Spring sports physicals are approaching. Physicals will be held Feb. 20 in the Emmaus High School cafeteria. This is the only date physicals will be offered. If a student cannot attend these physicals, a physical must be obtained from a private physician. Any physical not given Feb. 20 must be submitted to the athletic office prior to March 7, the first day of spring sports practices. Coaches will not accept physical forms that day. The schedule for physicals can be found on the EHS website.
Late arrival and early dismissal privileges ended Jan. 26. In order for a student to use these privileges in the next semester, he or she must get a new permission card signed.
The coffee house to benefit the EHS orchestra will be held Feb. 19 at the school.
The new SAT test will be given at EHS March 5. Register at www.collegeboard.org. Students must bring a photo ID and registration ticket in order to be admitted into the exam. No student will be allowed to test without these items.
The junior prom is scheduled for May 21. There was an error on the district calendar. Planning ahead, the senior ball will be held May 28 at the Palace Center in Allentown.
The annual International Fair will be held March 5.
Afterball volunteers are needed. The afterball will be held 11:30 p.m. May 28 to 5 a.m. May 29. Meetings will be held in Room 353 Feb. 8, March 1, April 11, May 2, 9, 16 and 23.
Volunteers are needed to chair or volunteer on the following committees: president/co-president, decorations, games, fundraising, golf course and set-up/cleanup. Other committees for volunteering include prizes, ticket sales and food.
EHS will present “Once Upon a Mattress” 7 p.m. March 9 through 11, 2 and 7 p.m. March 12 and 2 p.m. March 13 in the high school auditorium.
Residents are invited to attend the show to enjoy an affordable evening of theatre and support a group of very dedicated young performers.
Tickets will be on sale online beginning Feb. 2. To reserve tickets online, visit www.eastpennsd.org/ehs.
Tickets may be purchased in the EHS main office lobby 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Monday through Friday beginning Feb. 22 when school is in session. This is a change from last year. Online ticket reservations are encouraged.
Complimentary tickets for Senior Gold Card holders will be available for the 6 p.m. March 8 preview performance only. Gold Card members must present East Penn School District Gold Cards at the door on the evening of the performance. This is a change from last year. The Gold Card will serve as your ticket. This will eliminate the need to come to the main office prior to the performance.
Looking ahead, tentative dates have been set for the Class of 2016 Baccaleaureate and graduation. The tentative date for the Baccaleaureate is 9 a.m. June 11 and the tentative date for graduation is 1 p.m. June 12. Seniors will be provided additional information closer to the events.