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Council meeting has ‘standing room only’ crowd

Alburtis Borough Council President Ron DeIaco invited Jeffrey Ott of Ott Consulting, Inc. to give a PowerPoint presentation, “When it Rains it Drains” at the Jan. 27 Alburtis Borough Council meeting.

The stormwater requirements of the federal Clean Water Act are administered under the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Program.

The presentation was an overview of the borough’s water management program to keep the water pure and clean.

During the presentation, Ott explained in detail the importance of managing drainage of any kind going into the sewers because the sewers drain into the Swabia Creek, not the sewage treatment plant. The drainage includes rain, stormwater, melting ice and snow, oil, trash, all kinds of chemicals and sediment-laden water.

“It only takes a thin layer of sediment-laden water to run over fish eggs and they will never hatch,” Ott said. He explained in detail the dangers of stormwater pollutants, over fertilizing lawns and dumping chemicals or trash of any kind into the sewers.

Ott urged residents to park their cars on their yards to wash them so the dirty water and soap can be filtered naturally in the soil. Ott also explained how stormwater benefits the community and encouraged the residents to get involved to help keep the water clean and pure. Ott said the borough has all required permits from the PA DEP, follow all the guidelines, have mapped its stormwater systems and report on progress to the PA DEP periodically. For interested residents, the maps and educational information will be posted on the borough’s website.

Following the presentation, there was a brief question and answer period.

Another PowerPoint presentation was given by Dave Kutzor of Keystone Consulting Engineers representing JMR Enterprises, LLC, owner and developer of a subdivision at 116-118 S. Main St. Three variances and a waiver have been granted for this subdivision, Ott has reviewed it and the planning commission approved it for adoption by council.

During the presentation, resident Hector Vazquez questioned Kutzor’s roll in the subdivision suggesting there was a conflict of interest because he was the borough’s zoning officer.

Cory Schmaldinst, of Alburtis, read a lengthy statement sharing his concerns and fears for the borough and questioning the integrity of council and as a community.

“I never want our community brought under the same scrutiny as the city of Allentown is right now,” Schmaldinst said. “In the end, I want what everyone else wants. A thriving, prosperous community of which we can all be proud.” Schmaldinst was also concerned the work at the subdivision had already been completed.

Russell Kressley said the parking lot was already done and there was no permit. Kutzor agreed the parking was put in before it was approved and said he told the owner if it was not approved it would have to be torn out. Kutzor said the owner decided to complete the work because he wanted to get it done. Kutzor said everything the owner does is legal, proper, to code and sometimes beyond what is required.

Addressing Vazquez’s concern, Kutzor said he was not working as the zoning officer for this project. He specifically requested council remove him as zoning officer for this project at the start and his request had been granted. DeIaco said this had been done in the past when he was on council and Solicitor David Knerr said this is not unusual and is done in certain cases in other municipalities and is legal. DeIaco also said council has a solicitor and engineers to guide them in all they do. Council only approves things on their recommendations.

“You are accusing council of doing something wrong here-- questioning council’s integrity,” Council Vice-President Steve Hill said. “Every process we have gone through has been done legally and above-board.”

“You can file a complaint with the State Ethics Commission and have them come and investigate,” Solicitor David Knerr said.

Council adopted Resolution No. 2016-4 granting conditional preliminary and final plan approval to the minor subdivision plan of JMR Enterprises, LLC at 116-118 South Main St. and deciding certain waiver requests in connection with that plan on a vote of five yes and one no vote from Councilperson Stephen Kaufman who gave no reason for voting no.

In other business, the issue of vacating Ore Alley was tabled until the next council meeting scheduled Feb. 8.

Mayor Kathleen Palmer thanked the maintenance crew for keeping the roads open after the blizzard, saying the crew did a fantastic job. The mayor asked the residents to be patient. Manager Sharon Trexler brought food for the maintenance crew.

Police Chief Robert Palmer reported he and Mayor Kathleen Palmer were asked to meet with two professional residents representing a group of other businessmen in the community. They wanted to know about community needs. As a result of their meeting, one of the men told the chief they would pay for the new computers for the patrol cars. When Chief Palmer has a quote of the cost, the resident will bring the money to borough hall. Chief Palmer did not wish to name the man yet but said he was one of two doctors and other businessmen in the community.

Council was pleased to accept a $2,500 contribution from the William B. Butz Memorial Fund in memory of William B. Butz.

Councilperson Sherryann Oels reminded residents there is no parking at the Alburtis Area Community parking lot when snow is expected. Parking is permitted at the pool only.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LORETTA FENSTERMACHERCouncil person Kathleen Raines, Jeffrey Ott, of Ott Consulting and Council person Stephen Kaufman review plans pertaining to stormwater requirements at the Jan. 27 council meeting.