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School board members recognized for volunteer service

At the Jan. 13 school board meeting, board members were recognized for their countless volunteer efforts for the students in the district.

Each received certificates for their service from the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, enjoyed a cake provided by student government at Salisbury High School and received a book from SHS student government entitled, “The Ultimate Book of Inspiring Quotes for Kids” by Michael Stutman and Kevin Conklin.

The book has a collection of wisdom from historical greats and modern leaders. An example is from Helen Keller, “When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or the life of another.”

Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss said, “Thank you very much for your service. The public doesn’t always realize you serve as volunteers. All the hours you volunteer and serve the district are very much appreciated.”

Additional thanks will be given by students at the Jan. 25 curriculum and technology meeting scheduled 7 p.m. at Harry S Truman Elementary School.

Student representatives Matthew Fainor, Olivia King and Rania Nimeh reported on activities at both elementary schools including field trips, lunches with parents, puppet shows and more. Third grade students at Harry S Truman Elementary School will welcome their families to lunch Feb. 3.

Students at Western Salisbury Elementary School will host a family night at the Phantoms game. Students at Salisbury Middle School will have a semi-formal dance at the school Jan. 29 hosted by the Interact Club. Ballroom dancing lessons continue at SMS Friday evenings. SMS will also host a night at the Phantoms game March 23. Eighth grade middle school students will visit Lehigh Career and Technical Insititute Jan. 20.

At Salisbury High School, the junior class is selling Dan Schantz flowers, the athletic booster club is selling Salisbury magnets and the Future Business Leaders of America have earned a spot in the state competition to be held in Hershey in April. The students reported this is the largest group of students going to states in the history of the club.

Board member George Gatanis thanked the students for their thorough report and said he is “proud to have them” at the meetings and representing the students in the district.

In other business, the board approved the preliminary budget for the 2016-2017 school year.

“The budget is preliminary,” President Frank Frankenfield said. “We will be working to fine-tune it over the next couple of months.”

The budget reflects total expenditures of $35,759,579.

The board approved an overnight extra-curricular trip for the high school wrestling team to Lansdale Jan. 22 to 23 for a wrestling tournament.

Business Administrator Robert Bruchak reported the district received emergency funding from the governor’s approval of a partial budget in the amount of approximately $3 million. Approximately $387,000 was transferred to KidsPeace.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHStudent government provides a cake for the Jan. 13 Salsibury Township School District meeting thanking the school board members for their service.