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Administrators create ‘wish list’ for new budget

Administrators presented to the school board members a list of additional priorities to be considered at the operations meeting Jan. 4.

These items are not included in the preliminary budget for 2016-2017 being compiled at this time. Any approvals from this list would be an expense added to the budget.

In the academic arena, administration has listed the following positions:

•A part-time English Langage Learner teacher at Western Salisbury Elementary School at a cost of $28,879. This teacher would improve English acquisition skills for ELL students. This part-time teacher would eliminate a three-hour instructional assistant position.

•A full-time physical education teacher (increased from part time) at Salisbury High School at a cost of $62,191. SHS would then offer additional physical education electives, potentially dual enrollment courses. Administration would like to consider increasing the health/physical education graduation credit from 1.5 to 2 credits. This would eliminate a part-time instructional assistant position.

•Two part-time computer teachers for the elementary schools at a cost of $68,803. Administration would like to research the possibility of direct instruction in computers/keyboarding at the elementary level. Administrators will research what it would look like and where it could fit into the elementary schedule.

•A full-time interventionist at Harry S Truman Elementary School at a cost of $89,538. Administration said students need additional academic support in English/Language Arts and math (PSSA test data). WSE currently has a reading specialist and an IST teacher. HST has the same resources for almost double the students.

•A full-time special education teacher for Salisbury Middle School at a cost of $100,575. Administrators said, based on current enrollments, teachers will be over the caseload by 10 students at SMS. The teacher would teach “Read 180” and provide math support. Additional students are currently being tested.

In the administration office support category, administration has listed the following positions:

•A human resources coordinator to redefine the role of the current payroll specialist to human resources coordinator at a cost of approximately $15,000. Administration said current human resources tasks are currently dispersed over five different people.

•A part-time administrative assistant at a cost of $30,131. This person would handle the increasing clerical demands of human resources including state mandates.

In the debt service category, administration is recommending the district borrow an additional $4 million for capital projects to replace the HVAC and chiller system at HST. This would be a $163,873 annual increase in debt service.

In the facilities/maintenance area (capital expenditures), administration is recommending the following:

•The purchase of a dump truck with a plow at a cost of $70,000. This would replace a vehicle over 15 years old. It is needed for grounds maintenance and snow removal.

•Renovation of the family consumer science area at SMS at a cost of $20,000. This would increase the kitchens from four to five to accommodate additional students. It also includes replacing the stoves and refrigerators, refinishing countertops and renovating the exhaust fan system.

•Refresh the Salisbury High School computer lab at at cost of $25,000. The current lab is eight years old and administrators say the current hardware and software are out of date. The plan to continue offering new dual platform experience (PC and Mac) and explore the creation of more advanced computer science offering (dual enrollment).

•SHS television studio equipment upgrade at a cost of $17,000. This advancement provides the opportunity for a community cable channel on both Service Electric and RCN.

•Riding floor cleaning machine at SMS at a cost of $15,000. Maintenance is currently operating one of these machines at SHS. The machine saves time and improves staff efficiency. It is ot feasible to transport according to Director of Maintenance, Building and Grounds William Brackett.

•Purchase of an irrigation wheel for the athletic fields at a cost of $7,000. The district currently has one which is used primarily at SMS. To avoid transporting and/or prioritizing fields, an additional wheel is needed for practice fields at SHS.

•Purchase of a high school score board at a cost of $70,000. Brackett said the current board is very old, too low and has limited capabilities.

The total cost of $782,990 includes everything on the wish list. None of these items have been included in the 2016-2017 preliminary budget.

Ziegenfuss said the full administrative team will meet to review and clarify the items and do a full review of current expenditures for efficiency, relevance and prioritization.