2016 budget approved; no tax increase
At the last meeting of the year, held Dec. 30, 2015, Alburtis Borough Council approved the borough budget for 2016, showing no tax increase by a vote of six yes votes to one no vote from Councilperson Cathy Moyer.
Council also unanimously approved Ordinance No. 532 establishing the real estate tax rate at 3.83 mills for 2016. The borough will receive 3.75 mills and 0.08 mills will be for fire purposes.
The usual two percent discount for those paying two months prior to the date of the tax notice and a 10 percent penalty for paying four months after the date of tax notice will remain in effect.
All other taxes including per capita tax, earned income tax, local services, realty transfer, water rentals and fees, sanitary sewer rentals and fees for collecting municipal waste and recyclable materials will remain the same for 2016.
Council reviewed Ordinance No. 533 revising compensation or compensation ranges for borough employees including administration, treasurer, police chief, solicitor and borough maintenance department crew members. The ordinance was approved by a vote of five yes votes to one no vote from Moyer.
Following review of a list of pay rates, council members approved establishing the pay rates in the borough on a vote of five yes and one no from Moyer. Councilman John Aleszczyk abstained.
Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 2016-8. The ordinance reduces what full-time Alburtis police officers must pay into their pension plans from 5 percent to 4 percent in 2016.
Alburtis Borough Council received two animal control contracts for 2016; a contract from the Lehigh County Humane Society with a cost of $800 a year and a contract from The Sanctuary at Haafsville set at $400 a year.
Following a brief discussion of both facilities and review of both contracts, council members unanimously approved the contract with The Sanctuary at Haafsville for 2016.
Council also approved a landfill vegetation control contract with Saylor’s Lawn & Landscaping in Macungie for years 2016, 2017 and 2018, agreeing the borough will pay the company $18,000 a year for mowing at Dorney Landfill.
To maintain the fence around Dorney Landfill, council unanimously approved paying $215 an hour to Saylor’s Lawn & Landscape for a three-man crew including equipment and disposal of debris.
Council also unanimously approved a service agreement with Stanley Sweeping and Grounds Maintenance, Inc., New Tripoli, to sweep borough streets at a cost of $125 per hour.
Borough resident Jeffrey Bortz spoke to council members about his concerns of trucks parking at the bank and the road deteriorating at the corner and trucks traveling on Spring Creek Road, Quarry Road, Shoeneck Road and Route 100. After conversing mostly with Councilman David Lehr and Zoning Officer David Kutzor, Police Chief Robert Palmer suggested the problem could be solved if a large directional sign was installed at Quarry Road to direct trucks to Route 100.
Council received a request for Fifth Street to be declared a Snow Emergency Route. After consulting with the highway department officials, who did not approve, council members denied the request on their recommendation.
Minutes of the Dec. 9, 2015 meeting were approved unanimously as written. Payment of the bills of Dec. 30, 2015 was unanimously approved. Council members reviewed and unanimously accepted Fiscal Consultant Chris A. DeFrain’s report.
Steve Hill, borough council president, thanked David Lehr and Cathy Moyer for their service and welcomed newly elected Stephen Kaufman who was present during the meeting.