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Heidelberg reorganizes, terminates road crew member

As per state regulations, Heidelberg supervisors met Jan. 4 to reorganize for the new year.

An announced executive session took place more than 30 minutes prior to the meeting.

Upon reconvening, motions were made and carried to appoint Steve Bachman as board chairman, Rodney Schlauch Jr. as vice chairman, and Janice Meyers as township administrator/secretary-treasurer.

David Fink will serve as the third supervisor.

The law firm of Steckel and Stopp, Slatington, remains township solicitor.

Following these initial appointments, a motion was made to temporarily suspend reorganization procedures.

During suspension of the reorganization process, Fink made a motion.

“I move to terminate Erik Lynch [a member of the road crew] for cause,” Fink said.

With the motion before the board, Bachman added, “Regretfully, I will second that motion.”

When calling for vote, Schlauch voted to abstain.

“You have to give a reason for abstention,” Meyers said.

“OK, then I’ll vote no,” Schlauch said.

After voting 2-1 for the termination, a motion was made to pay Lynch through Jan. 4.

A few moments later and after some additional motion approvals, resident Carl Breininger raised his hand and commented.

“Steve, I have a question. When Dave just closed the reorganization meeting and opened it up again, there was something I didn’t understand,” he stated. “Did you just terminate one of your employees? You had to do that like that or what?”

“That’s what we did,” Bachman replied.

“And there’s just cause or you just terminated him?” Breininger asked.

“I can’t go into details,” Bachman replied. “That’s what we did, terminate for cause.”

The remainder of the meeting included the following appointments.

The planning commission will include Douglas Tietze and Teena Bailey for four years ending Dec. 31, 2019.

Andrew Toth will serve on the zoning hearing board for a term of three years.

Dawn Didra, Jonathan Jakum and Priscilla Brennan were appointed to the Environmental Advisory Council, with Brennan serving as the committee’s chair.

The appointment of members to the Municipal Building Code Board was tabled until the next meeting.

Chairman of the vacancy board will be Lee Behler.

Keystone Consulting Engineers was appointed sewage enforcement officer.

Phyllis Breininger will be the 2016 voting delegate to the Lehigh Tax Collection Committee with Janice Meyers as alternate.

Recommended for appointment as Emergency Management Coordinator was Kevin Bear with Josh Bingham as deputy emergency management coordinator.

Director of Office Operations position will be Schlauch and Fink will serve as director of public works.

Bachman will serve as director of parks and recreation.

Meyers announced the Lehigh County Association of Township Officials business dinner meeting would be Feb. 5.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the organization.

Prior to adjourning, the floor was opened for public comment.

Lynch, sitting in the back of the room, stood and addressed the board.

“I worked for the road crew for over seven years,” Lynch said.

“I brought it to the attention of the board last year that I worked here without a lunch for seven years and I brought it to the attention of the board it was a deep concern of mine.

“The road crew takes a break at 6 a.m. They take another break at 9 a.m. So, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m, a 10-hour day, there is no lunch and there is no afternoon break.

“I think that is a safety concern. I would think the board would feel the same way.

“Do you not feel that is a safety concern for your employees?”

“That is something Kevin has worked out with the road crew themselves,” Bachman replied.

“Don’t you feel it’s unfair for the part-time employees to work full-time without any benefits?” Lynch asked. “I’m glad to see that two were made full time, but prior to that, they were working 40 hours a week with no benefits.”

“I repeat, I believe, yes, they were,” Bachman said.

Former part-time road crew employees were announced as full-time employees for 2016 during the meeting.

The board decided benefit details for township employees would be on the agenda at the next meeting.

The reorganization meeting was adjourned with the regular board of supervisors meeting to be 7:30 p.m. Jan. 7.

Subsequent supervisors’ meetings will be 7:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.