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Lowhill holds tax rate steady

Lowhill Township supervisors approved the 2016 budget during their Dec. 3 meeting.

Current total assets are $1,633,858.

For 2016, projected budgeted revenue is $838,119 and total expenses $838,000; leaving the 2016 budget at $1,633,977.

The township’s millage rate will remain the same at 0.66425 mills.

Wrapping up other end-of-year issues, supervisors renewed an agreement with the Sanctuary at Haafsville for stray cat and dog handling for the upcoming year.

The sanctuary, a no-kill shelter provides catch, spay/neuter, release or adoption services at minimal cost to the township.

In other matters, Ronald Bogert received final approval for two lots along Edgewood Court; and a two-lot preliminary plan was presented and discussed for the Lillian Rupp Estate on Claussville Road.

In new business, the board’s reorganization meeting will be 7 p.m. Jan. 4, 2016.

The auditors will meet 7 p.m. Jan. 5, 2016.

The regular supervisors meeting for the new year will be 7:30 p.m. Jan. 7, 2016.