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School board recognizes LCCC’s state rating

Whitehall-Coplay School Board recognized Lehigh Carbon Community College at its board meeting Monday night.

“There was a recent rating of the best community colleges in the state, and I’m proud to say that LCCC came in third in the entire state,” Superintendent John Corby said.

Some of the categories used in rating the community colleges included cost and appeal.

“I’m an alumni of LCCC, and the courses I took transferred, and I’m proud that we are a sponsor,” Corby said. “When I was on campus, I saw the good work the students and staff do.”

In finance matters, the board approved the per capita tax exonerations and refunds for the district.

After the meeting, business manager Michael Malay told The Press, “The refunds are due to those that are deceased, duplicates, non-residents, residents over 72 and students, among other things.”

The board also approved participating in the BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative pending the solicitor’s approval. Malay said the approval would depend on state regulations around the bidding process.

In other news, the district is seeking its Graduates of Distinction. According to Dr. Barbara Chomik, applications are available in the district office and the public library and are due by Jan. 7

The board also approved the retirement of Corby, effective Oct. 21, 2016.