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Weisenberg OKs 2016 budget

Weisenberg supervisors have adopted the 2016 budget and set the millage rate for the upcoming year.

Supervisors indicated at their Dec. 14 meeting the millage rate would be .56 mill, of which .42 mill goes into the general fund, .07 mill is placed in the public works fund and .07 mill is reserved for fire apparatus.

In other matters, Todd Weaver, along with surveyor William Beitler, came before the board to discuss approval of Weaver’s subdivision at 2500 and 2502 Golden Key Road.

Supervisors gave approval conditional upon receipt of a letter from Arcadia concerning the settlement agreement.

Solicitor Donald Lipsom will call Arcadia to discuss the matter.

The F&M Land Company No. 11 planning module for 7724 Carpet Road was approved.

The West Hills maintenance period was initiated for a length of 18 months.

The firm of France, Anderson, Basile and Company was hired to audit the township books.

The cost to the township for this service will be $7,325.

Attorney Gary Brienza, along with David Rothrock, came before the board to address a problem with Rothrock’s barn.

It appears that there is a height restriction for accessory structures in the zoning district where he is located.

He proposes to construct a bank barn which will be in excess of the maximum height allowed.

Rothrock requested a variance before the zoning hearing board but was denied.

The property is located at 1637 and 1645 Kecks Road and consists of 27 acres.

He came before the board to request a modification of the ordinance in that particular section.

The board agreed with the appellants and will review an ordinance change.

Brienza will prepare a change and submit it to Solicitor Lipsom for review.

Supervisors reorganization meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Jan. 4, 2016.

Auditors will reorganize 7 p.m. Jan. 5, 2016.

Other meeting dates for township boards will remain the same.

The Sanctuary at Haafsville was given the contract to pick up stray cats and dogs in the township at a rate of $50 per cat and $110 per dog with a cap of $750 for the year.

The township treasurer was authorized by the board to pay certain recurring bills without waiting for approval at a supervisors’ meeting.

The board will still receive a list of bills for approval.

Roadmaster Tony Werley reported the swap of Old Route 22 for New Smithville Road is proceeding.

Werley received a quote on replacement pipes for PennDOT’s perusal.

Weisenberg’s Volunteer Fire Company reported a total of 172 calls for the year.