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Paying it forward

Last year Jill Garger went to Seiple Farms on Route 329 in East Allen Township to find a Christmas tree. Later that evening, she returned with other members of her family to help them select a tree for their home.

According to Andrea Seiple, Garger lost $60 cash while chasing her grandson through the rows of trees. Garger came back to the farm to find the lost money but could not find it. She spoke with one of the cashiers, who took her name and gave her some encouraging words.

Fortunately, Jackie Sacks and Jessica Motley came upon the money during their tree search and turned it in.

Fast forward to 2015.

On Black Friday, the Gargers returned to Seiple Farms to select a tree for this year’s holiday. They paid for the tree and asked Seiple to take money so the next person who came in would get a tree for free.

“We hoped someone would come in while they were still here,” Seiple said.

The Gargers were the last customers that night.

“Every one of us was anxious to see who would be the first to walk through the door on Saturday morning,” Seiple said. “When I told the story to our first customer, Matthew Chickilly and his son Michael, they thought it was a great idea. They took their free tree and paid for the next customer.”

The staff at Seiple’s thought it was a positive message and wondered how long this would last. The chain went on all day Saturday.

“We donated a few trees to keep the chain going, but everyone was very generous and got into the spirit of the idea,” she said. “By the end of Saturday, we still had one free tree to give away.”

On Sunday morning, Sacks and Motley came in to select their tree.

“We thought it was the best of coincidences,” Seiple said. “So they got their tree for free.

“I still get shivers when I think of how generous everyone was. It brought tears to our eyes that this one random act of kindness could turn into something so magical,” Seiple said.

“I hope that if you feel the same inspiration you might make a donation to St. Jude’s or a local food bank or maybe just pay the bill for the next person in line at Dunkin’ Donuts.”

Andrea Seiple stands among the trees at her family farm, where she recounted her Christmas story.PRESS PHOTO BY PAUL CMIL