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New Tripoli fire chief shares Route 309 concerns with board

New Tripoli Fire Chief Peter Christ reported to Lynn Township supervisors there were 137 calls for the fire company so far this year.

He brought to the board’s attention, at the Dec. 10 meeting, a problem he perceived on Route 309.

The fire company has received 23 calls on the stretch of Route 309 from Gun Club Road to Mountain Road.

Some of these calls included fatalities.

These accidents have been occurring since the repaving of Route 309 by PennDOT.

He does not believe speed is the problem, rather, it is the slipperiness of the road surface when wet.

He asked supervisors to discuss this problem with PennDOT and try to find a way to remedy the situation.

In happier matters, the fire chief said Santa will visit the fire station 11 a.m.-noon Dec. 19.

Afterward, the fire truck with Santa atop will tour the fire district.

Lynnport Fire Company reported 49 calls for the year.

Clark Mantz, Fire Chief, informed the Board that they will have breakfast with Santa from 9-11 a.m. on Dec. 20.

Afterward, Santa will travel around the Township in the fire truck.

Mantz noted that the 2000 Club drawing will be on Jan. 29, 2016.

Tickets are still available.

The Davis lot line adjustment was on the agenda for approval.

Davis will be receiving a one half acre lot to add to his property.

He intends to build a garage on this lot.

Roadmaster Bruce Raber’s road report showed the usual activities.

Mowing, boom mowing, hauling scrap, cold patching, tree trimming and working on the dirt roads consumed much of the time.

He was approached by Lynnport Fire Company about oiling and chipping the fire company parking lot if the board gave approval.

Raber will draft an estimate and present it to the board.

The Sanctuary at Haafsville will receive the contract to catch stray cats and dogs.

Fee is $50 per cat and $110 per dog with a cap of $650 for the year.

Longtime township auditor Robert Hamm has indicated he is resigning his post.

The board will take action at its next meeting regarding his position. Two candidates have voiced their interest.

Some Heidelberg residents have asked if they could bring their recyclables to the Lynn Township Transfer Station as the Heidelberg recycling bins have been removed.

The board discussed several ways to charge out-of-township residents so it would be fair to township residents. and how to identify out of township residents.

Supervisors decided to charge non-residents $1. The subject will be revisited at a later date.

In the meantime, township Secretary Tammy White was asked to request two additional bins from Cougle’s Recycling - one for cardboard and one for commingled items.

White also gave the dates for upcoming meetings.

The close-out meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Dec. 28. The reorganization meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 4, 2016.

Auditors will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 5, 2016.