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Ben Franklin Technology latest funding: $125,000

The Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Board of Directors has approved the investment of $125,000 in support of regional economic development.

Funding to firms and projects in the Lehigh Valley Press circulation area includes:

Ben Franklin announces the following early-stage company investments that are provided to clients in the form of loans.

Colymer Industries, LLC, Bethlehem. Ben Franklin Investment: $50,000. Continue executing a marketing and sales strategy to commercialize a new, proprietary, non-asphalt roofing and waterproofing material, Tarzanite, a coal tar formulation that is not water-soluble and is environmentally-beneficial. The material is expected to outlast traditional asphalt-based materials by at least a factor of two. This work will involve new product variations for the sealing and paving of roads and a new product for line-marking.

Ben Franklin announces the following established manufacturer company investment. Ben Franklin provides 1:1 matching funding for work with a college or university partner on technology-based manufacturing innovation in established manufacturers.

East Coast Erosion Control, LLC, Bernville, Berks County. University Partner: Lehigh University’s Enterprise Systems Center. Ben Franklin Investment: $25,000. Improve back-end processes to enhance customer delivery performance, reduce cost-of-goods sold, increase efficiency, and maximize production capacity at this manufacturer of erosion control products, turf reinforcement mats, and hydro-mulches for the construction industry. East Coast Erosion is one of the largest producers of erosion blankets and other erosion products in the United States. This upgrade will allow the company to be the first in its industry to advance to this level, providing a competitive advantage and facilitating continued growth.