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KCC board to vote on bylaw revisions, new members at Dec. 15 meeting

The annual meeting of the Kempton Community Center, 82 Pine Creek Road, Kempton, will take place 7 p.m. Dec. 15 at the center

On the agenda for this meeting will be a vote on the board’s recommended revisions to the organization’s bylaws.

Also at this meeting, the KCC membership will elect all 11 positions of the board of directors for one- or two-year terms.

The board itself will then elect its officers for one-year terms.

To assure those who fill elected positions reflect the will of a majority of the voters, the proposed bylaws establishes a rule that each person elected will have received a majority of the ballots cast.

To vote for the bylaws and to elect board members, voters must be:

• 18 years of age or older on the day of the election;

• current on KCC dues;

• have been a member of the KCC for at least the six months immediately prior to the election; and/or

• have attended at least four board meetings during the year of the election.

If you’re 18, have paid your 2015 membership dues by Dec. 15 at the latest, and have been either a member for six months or have attended at least four board meetings in 2015, you may vote.

A list of those qualified to vote will be available at the December meeting.

For more information, contact KCC Secretary Thomas J. Kerr at either 610-756-4376, 484-436-1014 or email tjkerr3@gmail.com.