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Vanessa Huber

Q: What grade are you in?

A: I am in 12th grade at Emmaus High School.

Q: What is your favorite subject? Why?

A: My favorite subject is math because it is very concept based. I really enjoy the challenge of solving problems and knowing that there is only one right answer to find.

Q: Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A: Last year I received the West Point Society Eisenhower Leadership Award for leadership, academic and athletic achievement. In addition, the past three years I have received awards for academic excellence as well as excellence in English. I have also been named to the principal’s honor roll every marking period. In 10th grade, I received an award for excellence in American Studies II Honors. I am also a three-time league championship qualifier and two-time district qualifier for track and field.

Q: Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

A: One of my favorite things to do is compete in athletics. I participate in varsity tennis, basketball and track and field teams at EHS. In addition, I am a member of Hornet Ambassadors, a sports and news anchor on the E-TV morning announcements, a member of National Honor Society and vice president of the Mock Trial club.

Q: What is your next goal after high school?

A: After high school, I would like to study government and strategic intelligence to work as a Coast Guard officer dealing with counter-terrorism. I have a strong sense of pride in the United States and would love to be personally involved in keeping it and its citizens safe through work in Homeland Security. I would also eventually like to work for the CIA.

Q: What would you say your biggest challenge has been so far?

A: This past summer, I completed the Academy Introduction Mission program at the United States Coast Guard Academy, which is a simulated week of the academy’s boot camp. The week is designed to prepare upcoming high school seniors who are interested in the academy for what life as a cadet is like. The week was very physically, mentally and intellectually challenging. I was pushed to my limits and learned a lot about what I am capable of. It was the most challenging thing I have had to complete but it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Q: What do you want to be remembered for?

A: I would like to be remembered as a leader and someone that always put 100 percent effort into everything I did. I want people to remember me as someone whom they could go to for advice, depend on and overall enjoyed being around.

Q: Who is in your family?

A: I am an only child and I live with my mother, Michelle Huber, and my father, Brian Huber.

Q: Do you have someone you look up to?

A: I look up to both of my parents. They are by far the most influential people in my life and have always supported me in everything I do. They have taught me so much, given me endless opportunities and have made me into who I am.

Q: Do you have any advice for your peers?

A: Never be afraid to try something new. I believe it is a great idea to become well rounded in various different activities. Always keep pushing yourself to reach new limits and never settle.