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Supervisors adopt preliminary budget

Upper Milford Township Supervisors adopted a balanced budget with no tax increase at the Nov. 19 meeting.

Township Manager Daniel DeLong called the $2.25 million budget modest, with no major new programs or major purchases.

Supervisors Robert Sentner and George DeVault expressed concern there is enough money in the budget for the two fire companies in the township. Sentner said the companies’ insurance costs will go up next year and DeVault noted the Western District Fire Company provides annual physicals for its members and said perhaps the Vera Cruz Fire Company could do that as well.

The budget will be available for public comment, both online and at the township office until Dec. 16 and supervisors are expected to adopt a final budget at their year-end meeting Dec. 30.

Supervisors also approved an ordinance requiring registration of certain fire alarm systems and imposing penalties for false alarms. A third false alarm from a fire alarm system will mean a fine of $150. If that fine is not paid, the case will be turned over to the district magistrate.

In other action, supervisors:

•Approved Emily Fair, Laura Danner, Chris Hamscher and Kyle Reiss as new special fire police members for Citizens Fire Company.

•Appointed Robert Mutchler as a new member of the recreation committee, to fill a vacancy. Recreation Committee Chairman Phil Vanim said his committee was endorsing Mutchler’s appointment. His term runs until Dec. 31, 2017.

•Accepted the resignation of Richard Malburg from the pension committee and thanked him for his many years of service to the township.

•Accepted the resignation of Peter Lucier from the zoning hearing board. Lucier is moving to California. The board now needs one more alternate and the pension committee also has a vacancy.

In other business, Vanim told the board the recreation committee would like to be included in any discussions about the future of the Kohler tract. He said the committee has some concerns about the practicality of the township acquiring the property.

Vanim said he and the committee have concerns about the cost to the township and whether that land is needed for recreation purposes.