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St. Peter’s UCC celebrates installation of Pastor Thomas

St. Peter’s United Church of Christ, Lynnville, welcomed a “new” pastor when Rebekah Thomas, who had been serving as interim pastor, was officially installed.

Pastor Alan Miller, minister from the United Church of Christ Penn Northeast Conference, performed the ceremony.

Among the church announcements was the fact that Pastor Thomas had celebrated her birthday the day before, so the congregation sang “Happy Birthday” to her.

Reader Sterling Ritter told everyone in the church the day was very special.

“Rebekah did not want to apply but found she loved St. Peter’s and this morning is her celebration,” Ritter exolained.

David DeRemer, an adjunct professor, who for 15 years had been at Moravian Theological Seminary, said Karen Bowman called him and asked if they could suggest someone as an interim pastor.

DeRemer said he knew Thomas’ skills and recommended her.

Miller gave the sermon, “Hands Up,” usually associated with police activity, but he said, “Lord you know everything about me. The familiarity that God has is awe-inspiring.

“God knows Rebekah and guided her,” he explained. “He knows you as a congregation and your paths have crossed.

“Installation is an act of God. Just as she was led to this place, you will be led by her.

“Hands up one last time in praise. Lift up your hands in prayer and praise and thanksgiving today to the God who has brought a pastor and a congregation together.”

Ritter, as church representative, said St. Peter’s under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has called Rebekah Thomas as its pastor and teacher and respectfully requests that the Penn Northeast Conference install her in its ministry among us.

“Rebekah, servant of God, we invite you to come forward as a sign of your acceptance of the call to this office,” Miller said, “Installation is the action of an association of the United Church of Christ in cooperation with a local church.

“It confirms and celebrates the covenantal relationship among a church, its pastor and teacher, and the United Church of Christ.”

Miller then addressed the congregation.

“Hear the words from the Apostle Paul: We beg you, our brothers and sisters, to pay proper respect to those who work among you, who guide and instruct you in the Christian life,” Miller said.

He next spoke to Thomas.

“We urge you, our sister, to warn the idle, to encourage the timid, to help the weak and to be patient with all,” Miller said. “St. Peter’s UCC of Lynnville has declared that, having gathered under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it has called Rebekah Thomas to minister in this place as pastor and teacher and it now receives her as appointed by God for this ministry.”

Miller asked Thomas if she was willing to enter this covenant with its members who are one in Christ with us.

“I am willing and I promise to serve this church faithfully, preaching and teaching the word of God, administering the sacraments and fulfilling the pastoral office according to the faith and order of the United Church of Christ,” she replied,

The congregation was asked to rise.

“We, the members of St. Peter’s Union Church receive Rebekah Thomas as our pastor and teacher promising to labor with her in the ministry of the gospel and to give her due honor and support,” they said as a whole.

Miller asked members of the Penn Northeast Conference to rise and affirm their covenant with St. Peter’s UCC, its pastor and teacher.

He said for that day friends from different churches were honorary members of the UCC.

Thomas, who was then given a certificate of installation, said she knew she wanted to be a pastor since she was 14 because she had a deep connection and wanted to share with others.

Thomas, who attended Saucon Valley High School, has a Bachelor of Arts degree in accounting from Moravian College.

She is pursuing her Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in formulative spirituality at Moravian Theological Seminary and will graduate in May 2016.

She is licensed in the Penn Northeast Conference and is approved for ordination pending graduation.

Pastor Becky, as she is called by the congregation, came to the church in January, was happliy welcomed and then asked to return in July.

Her parents are Gail Fox and Norman Stark. She has one brother and two stepbrothers.

Thomas does not know if she will continue to live in Steel City, Lower Saucon Township, or eventually move nearer to Lynn-ville.

“Oh my gosh, I love it up here,” Thomas said. “It’s like one big family. I felt welcomed right away.”

Miller noted there will be another joyous gathering for Thomas’ ordination, but she is approved to do everything an ordained pastor does.

Press photos by Elsa KerschnerPastor Rebekah Thomas' father, Norman Stark, the pastor and her mother, Gail Fox, met for a memory-making moment after the ceremony.