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Local road improvement continues

The Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners announced at the Nov. 19 meeting, Spring Creek Road would reopen by the end of the month.

In the Hamilton Crossings area, construction is underway for widening of Krocks Road and the 222 Bypass.

There is a lot line adjustment in the 7400 block of Spring Creek Road between the township and a private resident. The township is acquiring the 2.66 acres to be added to an open space area along Spring Creek Road. According to the Southwestern Lehigh County Comprehensive Plan, land along a creek should be “preserved along major creeks in as natural condition as possible.” This land will be part of the township greenway.

The Double D Lehigh land, owned by Judy Dadonna, requested again to continue the zoning hearing indefinitely. The commissioners have determined this zoning request be withdrawn. Therefore, to allow for a zoning change, a new request must be filed.

State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th, sent a letter of thanks to the township for use of the facilities for the senior expo. Mackenzie said he received positive feedback from residents.

Mackenzie also mentioned a letter sent to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation regarding a stop sign at Riverbend Road and Brookhaven Drive. The stop sign is necessary due to high volume of traffic and speed. Mackenzie said he has asked for a traffic study.

A resolution among Alburtis, Macungie and Lower Macungie Township to seek grant funding for recycling toters or containers was approved by the commissioners.