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Heidelberg ‘saagt faerriwell’ to recycling bins

Residents of Heidelberg Township are finding a “closed” sign, with an insult written in Pennsylvania German, in place of the recycling containers in the municipal building parking lot.

Following repeated months of misuse, Berger Sanitation removed the containers the township has been using since 2008.

Supervisors voted to close the recycling area at the municipal building, during the Nov. 19 board meeting, until Berger could pick up the containers.

Supervisors Chairman Steve Bachman said the township has been having problems with the amount of non-recyclable items left in and around the containers for the past two years.

The condition of the recycling area and the amount on non-recyclables was discussed during a July 2014 board meeting.

At that meeting, supervisors discussed solutions to the consistently overflowing containers and build-up of non-recyclable items by installing an additional container, adding a video surveillance camera and a sign stating rules and regulations for use of the receptacles.

Unfortunately, said Bachman, the conditions of the recycling continued to degrade.

During a phone interview Nov. 22, Bachman rattled off the a list of items found in and around the containers including a mattress, drywall, lawn mower, stroller, car seat, barrels of gasoline and oil, cans of paint, child play-sets and bags of trash.

“Unfortunately, a small percent ruined it for everyone else,” Bachman said.

Bachman said a representative from Berger Sanitation contacted Roadmaster Kevin Huber and told him they would be removing the containers as soon as possible.

Harold Miller, a supervisor at Berger Sanitation, said the local trash hauler has been providing recycling services for Heidelberg Township since 2007.

“Over the past year, things have been getting really bad,” Miller said. “People were putting all kinds of garbage in there,” he said. “We can’t have that. A car seat is not a recyclable item.”

Township supervisors assigned the road crew to fashion a sign denoting the closure.

Superviser Rodney Schlauch said board members talked about fencing in the area and having someone monitor the area.

“Berger said we either have to man it or they will remove the bins,” Schlauch said. “We just aren’t ready to pay someone to sit there and watch what people are recycling.”

Assistant Zoning Secretary Dawn Didra said she had received 10 to 12 calls since the bins were picked up.

“A lot of people don’t know their trash hauler will pick up recycling, too,” Didra said, adding most of the calls were not complaints, but rather concerns of what to do.

Didra made handouts listing other recycling providers to give residents who come to the township building and she also posted instructions on the website.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY STEVE BACHMAN press Graphic by David W. RoweHeidelberg Township supervisors placed a “closed” sign at the recycling bins by the municipal building after continued dumping of garbage. The words at the bottom translated from Pa. German are a** h**e.