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County passes 2016 budget

The 2016 Lehigh County budget has been approved by the board of commissioners.

The board officially approved the $386 million budget at the Nov. 10 meeting.

Based on the approved budget, a resident with a home assessed at $203,000 will see a $14.21 reduction in next year’s tax bill.

Prior to the approval, the board voted to override county Executive Tom Muller’s vetoes involving fees associated with the Affordable Care Act, Agricultural Conservation Municipal Match Program, funding for an emergency management vehicle and a capital project involving information technology.

Muller’s amendment involving a 2.5 percent wage increase for non-union county employees did make slight headway among the board.

While the amendment passed by a vote of 5 to 4, the board reduced the raise to 2 percent.

Those voting to override the veto included commissioners Percy Dougherty, Amanda Holt, Vic Mazziotti, Lisa Scheller and Michael Schware.

“Whatever increase we provide to non-union employees becomes the starting point for discussions with the union,” Mazziotti said.

Both Lehigh County President Judge Edward Reibman and District Attorney Jim Martin supported the 2.5 percent hike.

“We have good union employees we would like to promote to supervisory or managerial positions but they will not accept the promotion because they will do better as union employees,” Reibman noted.

Muller stressed his salary will not increase in 2016.