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Church continues 275th anniversary celebration

Heidelberg Union Church, Heidelberg Township, continues to celebrate its 275th anniversary during 2015.

On Nov. 8, they had a special Union Service where 10 former pastors, and daughters and sons of authorized ministry from the church shared their special thoughts concerning their pastorate or connection to the church.

Following the service, there was a catered luncheon provided by Dickey’s.

After lunch, the Heidelberg UCC congregation and Allentown Soup Kitchen presented gifts to Pastor David Hess, as he will be retiring at the end of the year.

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY HEIDELBERG CHURCHPast pastors and daughters and sons of authorized ministry and their spouses from Heidelberg Union Church celebrated the church's 275th anniversary Nov. 8. They included UCC Pastor Karen Yonney, Lutheran Pastor David Hess, Rhonda and Pastor Bob Gutekunst, Pauline and Pastor Richard Benner, Pastor Russell and Corinne Heintzelman, Pastor Earl and Arlene Marks,